Understanding Repeat Coursework and Aid Eligibility

Federal regulations require financial aid may only be awarded to an undergraduate, graduate, or a professional student once for a previously passed course (i.e., one repetition per class). The University Repeat Policy does not apply to the student when determining if the repeat coursework is eligible for financial aid.


  • If a student repeats a course that is not eligible for financial aid, a recalculation of aid is completed to exclude the credits for the repeated course.
  • The policy applies whether or not the student received aid for earlier enrollments in the course.
  • All repeated courses are counted as attempted units for Satisfactory Academic Progress.

For financial aid, any grade higher than an F will be considered to have passed the course. NOTE: This is true regardless of any university or major program policy requiring a higher grade or measure for academic purposes.

  • Passing grades are: A, B, C, D, I, CR (Credit) or Pass
  • Non-passing grades are: NC (No Credit), W, WU, F


Pass Grade Scenarios

1st Attempt

2nd Attempt

3rd Attempt

Is the enrolled attempt eligible for aid?

Scenario 1





Scenario 2





Scenario 3





  • The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will adjust your financial aid accordingly and will send you a notification letter regarding the adjustment.
  • Adjustments may result in the repayment of aid. You will be notified regarding repayment of aid, if any, owed due to repeated coursework.
  • You have the option to change your enrollment, from late registration through Census.
  • A financial aid hold may be placed on your account preventing disbursement of all aid and you will be required to meet with a Financial Aid Counselor.
  • We will verify your financial aid eligibility after Census, based on your current enrollment. This may reinstate previously adjusted aid.