Research Mentor News, May 2018
Note: SURGE 1 & SURGE 2 Begin June 5, 2018.
Remember: Deadline to Spend All Remaining Funds Is this Month
As a Research Mentor, you have funds available to purchase supplies. You need to spend all remaining funds by May 31. Anything that requires a purchase requisition (purchase order request), such as small equipment, needs to be submitted to Marie Reed by May 20, 2018. These funds cannot be carried over. Please contact Marie if you have any questions.
Faculty Mixer Highlights
The last faculty mixer was held Wednesday, April 11. More than 30 faculty mentors enjoyed lunch from Rascals and connected with fellow mentors. If you missed out, never fear – more mixers will be held next semester.
Grant Writing Course Available
Columbia University’s Department of Medicine is offering a course in writing NIH grant applications in October. Registration is required in advance.
- What: Best Practices for Competitive Grant Applications: NIH Funding for Research & Career Development Activities, 5.0 ACCME Credits
- Where: Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY
- When: Friday, October 5, 2018, noon to 5 p.m.
- More Information:
- Register:
Scholars and Fellows Are Off to Graduate School and Internships
Thanks to your mentorship, our BUILD Scholars and Fellows are successfully entering graduate school or summer internships. You’ll find a list of who is going where below.

- Kennedy Blevins, CLA, Dr. Arturo Zavala, Ph.D. program in Psychology & Social Behavior at University of California Irvine (UCI)
- Andrea Chirino, CHHS, Dr. Guido Urizar, MS program in Health & Strategic Communication at Chapman University
- La Keisha Jeanmarie, CHHS, Dr. Selena Nguyen-Rodriguez and Dr. Gino Galvez, PhD program in Public Health at UCI
Year 2 Scholars
- Maria Barajas, CLA, Dr. Araceli Gonzalez, accepted into two MA programs in Public Policy, still deciding
- Joshuah Gagan, COE, Dr. David Stout, Ph.D. program in Tissue Engineering at the University of Texas, Southwestern
- Melany Garcia, CHHS, Dr. Selena Nguyen-Rodriguez, Ph.D. program in Cancer Prevention & Epidemiology at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, University of Buffalo
- Viviana Goh, CHHS, Dr. Long Wang, Ph.D. program in Social Ecology at UCI
- Adam Grosvirt-Dramen, COE, Dr. Roger Lo, Ph.D. program in Chemical & Biochemical Engineering at UCI
- Jason Harris, COE, Dr. Ehsan Barjasteh, MS program in Biomedical Engineering at UCI
- Stephanie Lin, CHHS, Dr. Virginia Gray, MS program in Human Nutrition with a Dietetic Internship at Oregon Health & Science University
- Vicky Phun, CLA, Dr. Gino Galvez, Ph.D. program in Educational Psychology & Educational Technology at Michigan State University
- Patricia Pittman, CLA, Dr. H. Isabella Lanza, Ph.D. program in Human Development & Family Sciences at Ohio State University.
- Chyann Richard, CLA, Dr. Arturo Zavala, MA program in Psychology at CSULB
- Patsy Rodriguez, CLA, Dr. Courtney Ahrens, MS program in Counseling at California State University Los Angeles
- Edward Thai, COE, Dr. Ted Yu, MS program in Material Science at UCI (deferring to Fall 2019)
- Tian Walker, CLA, Dr. Zachary DuBois, PhD program in Anthropology at the University of Oregon
In addition, many of your Year 1 Scholars are participating in both formal and informal internships over the summer.
Year 1 Scholars
- Ismael Acedo, CNSM, Dr. Jesse Dillon, UCI Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
- Yohana Brown, CLA, Dr. Arturo Zavala, UCI Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
- Kenneth Bush, CLA, Dr. Erlyana Erlyana, Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Program at Keck Graduate Institute
- Mashal Chhotani, CNSM, Dr. Bryan Rourke, Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Program at Keck Graduate Institute
- Reah Chiong, CHHS, Dr. Virgina Gray, Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute (Informal)
- Nora Espericueta, CNSM, Dr. Deborah Fraser, Research Experience for Undergraduates Summer Program, Molecular & Organismal Evolution, University of Idaho
- Wilma Figueroa, CHHS, Dr. Niloofar Bavarian & Dr. Selena Nguyen-Rodriguez, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Summer Program in Epidemiology & Biostatistics at Harvard University (Informal)
- Katherine Henson, CNSM, Dr. Ashley Carter, UCI Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
- Tamunotelema (TJ) Higgwe, COE, Dr. Ted Yu, Research Experience for Undergraduates Program at Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Martina Hollearn, CLA, Dr. James Miles, Cellular Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration and Repair program at Yale (Informal)
- Talha Karwa, COE, Dr. Sergio Mendez, UCI Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
- Do (Diane) Kim, COE, Dr. I-Hung Khoo, AIM Photonics program at University of California Santa Barbara
- Stephanie Leal, CNSM, Dr. Deepali Bhandari, Summer Program for Undergraduate Research, Life & Biomedical Sciences, University of California Los Angeles
- Kativon Makary, CLA, Dr. Danielle Kohfedt, Summer Research Opportunity Program at the University of Michigan
- Sherin Matthew, CNSM, Dr. Bryan Rourke, Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Program at Keck Graduate Institute
- Afriyah Mayasa-Hailey, CLA, Dr. Roudi Roy, Summer Undergraduate Reseach Opportunity Program at Kansas State University
- Wendy Miranda, CHHS, Dr. Guido Urizar, Diversity Summer Internship Program at John Hopkins University
- Denys Rujchanarong, CNSM, Dr. Ashley Carter, UCI Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
- Peter Joseph Santiago, CNSM, Dr. Hadi Tavassol, Future Leaders in America Research Experience for Undergraduates at UC Santa Barbara
- Leela Stevens, COE, Dr. Pitiporn Asvapathanagul, Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean, University of Washington
- Coleen Villegas, CHHS, Dr. Nancy Hall, DIA Jumpstart Program, Brian and Creativity Institute, University of Southern California
- Dejuante Walker, COE, Dr. Ted Yu, Undergraduate Summer Research Grant at Texas A&M
Year 2 Scholars
- Kenya Alfaro, COE, Dr. Robert Schug, Leadership Alliance Program at Brown University
- Jairo Maldonado, COE, Dr. Panadda Marayong, MSRP at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Shai Tanner, CNSM, Dr. Amber Johnson, Hugh Edmondson Summer Research Program at University of California Davis
CSULB BUILD in Pictures
CSULB BUILD’s Facebook and Instagram accounts are filled with pictures of our Associates, Scholars, and Fellows. Each month we’ll highlight a collection here.
- CSULB Spring Fling – Held on Friday, April 20, at the USU Conference and Events Center, in the bowling alley and the billiards room. 40 students attended. They bowled and played pool, creating teams and competing against each other in good fun.
- CSULB BUILD Commencement – Held on Friday, May 11, at the USU Ballroom, the Annual CSULB BUILD Commencement event celebrated our second cohort of graduating trainees. You can view highlights from the event on Facebook. More information will be in the next newsletter.
Acknowledging BUILD in your presentations/publications
Please remember to acknowledge the funding from National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Numbers UL1GM118979, TL4GM118980, and RL5GM118978 on work supported by BUILD, including support from BUILD student trainees, mentor appreciation fund, BUILD research and equipment grants. For a sample acknowledgment statement, NIH resources and policy, please visit the “Acknowledging BUILD in Your Publications” page on our website. It can be found under Mentors > Current Mentors.
Be Prepared
If you'd like to know what is coming up in the BUILD Learning Community for your mentee, download the current syllabus. This will give you a heads up on what events your mentee is required to attend and therefore will not be available to work in your lab at that time. This page will be updated each semester with the new syllabi.
Communicating with BUILD
We invite your news about your BUILD Trainee and any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions about BUILD. If you have any of these, in relation to being a BUILD Research Mentor, please contact us at If you have any concerns about your BUILD Student, please contact the Student Training Core Director at
Be sure to keep an eye out for the June newsletter.