Jose Rivera‐Chang

Professor Rivera-Chang has worked as a project coordinator for Exatec (a GE Plastics/Bayer joint venture in Michigan) and as a consultant for Southern California firms D-zine and Diomede. He also is a multiple ‘Award of Excellence’ recipient of the LG Electronics Design Competition. Jose Rivera-Chang’s academic articles have been presented and published in top international conferences organized by ICSID (International Council of Societies of Industrial Design), the DRS (Design Research Society) and RCA (Royal College of Art). His class projects are regularly sponsored by best of class companies such as Samsung, Cisco Systems, Hewlett-Packard, Schwarzkopff-Henkel and Gale International. His students’ works have consistently received top honors in prestigious competitions organized by Microsoft, Samsung, Fujitsu, The American Housewares Association, Genius and others. Professor Rivera-Chang is also a voting member of the IDSA (Industrial Designers Society of America).

A pamphlet describing the design of a public bike.

A pamphlet showing how public bicycles and tricycles work inside of trains, buses, and elevators.

A pamphlet showing a customizable design of a bike that can be a bike or tricycle.