Does it Help or Hinder? A Survival Analysis Examining Factors Impacting Freshman Timely Graduation
This study uses a survival analysis approach to examine CSULB first-time freshmen who graduate in the four-and-a-half to five-year graduation mark. The first phase of the study (previous cohorts) analyzes existing student-level data to discover the characteristics of students in the five-year graduation rate and ways in which the campus can help support students to graduate within four years, meet Graduation Initiative 2025 goals and provide equitable education. This presentation will also share next steps in developing a survey and conducting student focus groups to examine the goals, expectations, attitudes and behaviors, perceptions, and obstacles of our students. Preliminary results from the second phase of the study (current cohorts) will also be shared.

Avery Olson
CEEE Associate Director
EDLD Lecturer

Erika Baldwin
CEEE Project Director
EDLD Lecturer