Honors Senior Project


The UHP Senior Project provides undergraduate honors students with an opportunity to complete a thesis or creative project under the direction of a faculty advisor. Honors students will begin their project during their Junior year, and complete it before graduation. The Senior Project develops skills in writing, analyzing, and critical thinking which are essential for graduate studies or the workforce. 

Getting Started

  • Honors students can participate in an Honors Senior Project workshop presented by UHP Academic Advisors to learn more about the Senior Project process and ask any questions. You can check your email, newsletter, Canvas calendar for workshop dates and information.
  • Begin your Junior year by taking UHP 496A (1 unit) to identify your topic, research question, or creative goal. You can begin your research ideation by looking under "Where to find inspiration". During UHP 496A you must identify a faculty advisor and submit a thesis contract to move forward to the next course sequence.
  • Next, take UHP 496B (2 units) where you will continue to explore your topic and work under the advisement of your faculty advisor and course instructor. In this course, you will outline your goals and objectives and begin the drafts to complete your project.
  • Your final course is UHP 498 (3 units) where you will complete your Honors Senior Project and present your project during the Honors Senior Symposium at the end of the semester.
    • Note: Some majors have UHP Thesis course equivalents. Please work with your major and UHP Academic Advisor for approval.