Dog Shows Come To Campus

Published June 27, 2016

This past weekend brought a series of dog shows from the  Great Western Terrier Association came to campus. We captured some of the canine and human attendees. 

Judges inspect a medium-sized dog during the competition.
Judges inspect a dog during the competition.


A dog stands on a table with a toy in their mouth.
A dog stands on a table with a toy in their mouth. 
A corgi walks the course.
A corgi walks the course.
A dog sits up in anticipation of a treat.
A dog sits up in anticipation of a treat. 
Robert Armstrong poses with their dog Vixen, while the seven
Robert Armstrong poses with their dog Vixen, while the seven month-old Belgiam Malinois licks his face. 
Owner Blake Hernandez and his seven month-old Bichon Frise,
Owner Blake Hernandez and his seven month-old Bichon Frise, Gaston, look into camera in photo booth.
Two people hold their dog and pose for the camera.
Dave & Dianne O'Rourke with their Border Collie, Maggie.

For more coverage of the weekend's dog shows, check out our Facebook gallery