Course Recommendation Guide
The course recommendations provided here are determined based on your degree objectives at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) and your level of preparations in mathematics, including:
- ALEKS PPL score - (what is ALEKS PPL?)
- math SAT/ACT scores
- AP/IB/CLEP exam scores
In general, the recommended courses are the highest level of mathematics courses you are eligible to take, which will help reduce the number of courses you will need to complete your degree.
Please note that the information below is only a guide and not a substitute for academic advising; you will work with an academic advisor to determine your actual math placement.
Degree Objective
The first factor in determining your math placement is your major. If you are undeclared, use the major or field that you are most strongly considering, but you should also consult your advisor from the University Center for Undergraduate Advising (UCUA).
You may already have credit for a required course. Check the section labeled "Course Credit" below.
Please consult with your advisor from the College of the Arts advising center.
If your major falls under the College of the Arts (COTA), take the following course according to your specific major.
For majors except Dance with Option in Dance Science
- MATH 104 - The Power of Mathematics
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: MATH 94
- If you already have credit for MATH 104:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a COTA advisor for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course.
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
For the major Dance with Option in Dance Science
This major recommends that you take a sequence of math courses that includes Precalculus Algebra. The following list of math courses is from most advanced to the least; take the most advanced math course for which you qualify:
- MATH 113 - Precalculus Algebra
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- Placement category M1, M2, M2C (ready for general education mathematics)
- Math SAT score of 570 or higher
- Math ACT score of 25 or higher
- ALEKS Mathematics Placement score of 60 or higher
- Both: official high school GPA of 3.5+ and Math SAT score of 500+
- Both: official high school GPA of 3.5+ and Math ACT score of 21+
- Already have course credit for MATH 112A and MATH 112B
- If you are a freshmen with a high school GPA less than 3.5:
- Also Take: MATH 93
- If you already have credit for MATH 113:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a COTA advisor
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- MATH 112A - Essential Algebra A & MATH 92
- Take these courses if you did not meet any criterion for MATH 113 above.
- Please note that MATH 112A and MATH 112B as a combined pair (6 units total) is the equivalent of MATH 113 (3 units). You can reduce the number of math courses you will need to take if you can qualify for MATH 113 instead. ALEKS Mathematics Placement can help you qualify for MATH 113.
Please consult with your advisor from the College of Business advising center.
If your major falls under the College of Business (COB), take the most advanced math course for which you qualify:
- MATH 115 - Calculus for Business
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- Placement category M1, M2, M2C (ready for general education mathematics)
- Math SAT score of 570 or higher
- Math ACT score of 25 or higher
- ALEKS Mathematics Placement score of 60 or higher
- Both: official high school GPA of 3.5+ and Math SAT score of 500+
- Both: official high school GPA of 3.5+ and Math ACT score of 21+
- If you are a freshmen with a high school GPA less than 3.5:
- Also Take: MATH 95
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- MATH 112A - Essential Algebra A
- Take this course if you did not meet any criterion for MATH 115 above.
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: MATH 92
If you already have credit for MATH 115 (or earned AP Credit in Calculus AB or Calculus BC or IB Credit in Math-Higher Level), instead take:
- STAT 118 - Introduction to Business Statistics
- If you already have credit for STAT 118 or STAT 108*:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a COB advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- *Note: If you successfully pass the Statistics AP exam with a test score of 3 or higher, you do not need to complete STAT 118. However, please note that Statistics AP test score of 3 awards credit in STAT 108, whereas a Test Score of 4 or 5 awards credit in STAT 118.
- If you already have credit for STAT 118 or STAT 108*:
Please consult with your advisor from the College of Education advising center.
If your major falls under the College of Education (CED), take the following course:
- MTED 110 - The Real Number System for Elementary and Middle School Teachers
- Placement category M1, M2, M2C (ready for general education mathematics)
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: MTED 90
- If you already have credit for MTED 110:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CED advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
Please consult with your advisor from the College of Engineering advising center.
If your major falls under the College of Engineering (COE), you will be required to take a sequence of math courses that includes Precalculus Algebra. The following list of math courses is from most advanced to the least; take the most advanced math course for which you qualify:
- MATH 224 - Calculus III
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- Calculus-BC AP Test score of 3 or higher
- Already have course credit for MATH 123
- If you already have credit for MATH 224, or if you already have credit for MATH 123 and your major does not require MATH 224:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a COE advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- MATH 123 - Calculus II
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- Calculus-AB AP Test score of 3 or higher
- Mathematics Higher Level IB Test score of 4 or higher
- Calculus CLEP Examination score of 50 or higher
- Already have course credit for MATH 122
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- MATH 122 - Calculus I
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- Math SAT score of 680 or higher
- Math ACT score of 31 or higher
- Math SAT II score of 610 or higher
- ALEKS Mathematics Placement score of 80 or higher
- Calculus-AB AP Test score of 2
- Calculus-BC AP Test score of 2
- Mathematics Higher Level IB Test score of 3
- Pre-Calculus CLEP Examination score of 50 or higher
- College Algebra CLEP Examination score of 50 or higher
- Already have course credit for MATH 111 and MATH 113
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- MATH 113 - Precalculus Algebra
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- Placement category M1, M2, M2C (ready for general education mathematics)
- Math SAT score of 570 or higher
- Math ACT score of 25 or higher
- ALEKS Mathematics Placement score of 60 or higher
- Both: official high school GPA of 3.5+ and Math SAT score of 500+
- Both: official high school GPA of 3.5+ and Math ACT score of 21+
- If you are a freshmen with a high school GPA less than 3.5:
- Also Take: MATH 93
- Also Take: MATH 111 - Precalculus Trigonometry if needed
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- MATH 112A - Essential Algebra A & MATH 92
- Take these courses if you did not meet any criterion for the courses above.
- Please note that MATH 112A and MATH 112B as a combined pair (6 units total) is the equivalent of MATH 113 (3 units). You can reduce the number of math courses you will need to take if you can qualify for MATH 113 instead. ALEKS Mathematics Placement can help you qualify for MATH 113.
Please consult with your advisor from the College of Health and Human Services advising center.
If your major falls under the College of Health and Human Services (CHHS), take one of the following courses according to your specific major.
For majors except Food Science, Exercise Science, or Nutrition & Dietetics
Take one of the following courses according to your specific major requirement.
- MATH 104 - The Power of Mathematics
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: MATH 94
- If you already have credit for MATH 104:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CHHS advisor
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- MATH 112A - Essential Algebra A
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: MATH 92
- If you already have credit for MATH 112A:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CHHS advisor
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- STAT 108 - Statistics for Everyday Life
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: STAT 90
- If you already have credit for STAT 108:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CHHS advisor
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
For majors in Food Science, Exercise Science, or Nutrition & Dietetics
These majors require you to take a sequence of math courses that includes Precalculus Algebra. The following list of math courses is from most advanced to the least; take the most advanced math course for which you qualify:
- MATH 113 - Precalculus Algebra
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- Placement category M1, M2, M2C (ready for general education mathematics)
- Math SAT score of 570 or higher
- Math ACT score of 25 or higher
- ALEKS Mathematics Placement score of 60 or higher
- Both: official high school GPA of 3.5+ and Math SAT score of 500+
- Both: official high school GPA of 3.5+ and Math ACT score of 21+
- Already have course credit for MATH 112A and MATH 112B
- If you are a freshmen with a high school GPA less than 3.5:
- Also Take: MATH 93
- Also Take: MATH 111 - Precalculus Trigonometry if needed
- If you already have credit for MATH 113:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CHHS advisor
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- MATH 112A - Essential Algebra A & MATH 92
- Take these courses if you did not meet any criterion for MATH 113 above.
- Please note that MATH 112A and MATH 112B as a combined pair (6 units total) is the equivalent of MATH 113 (3 units). You can reduce the number of math courses you will need to take if you can qualify for MATH 113 instead. ALEKS Mathematics Placement can help you qualify for MATH 113.
Please consult with your advisor from the College of Liberal Arts advising center.
For all majors except Anthropology, Economics, Environmental Science & Policy, Human Development, International Studies, Psychology, and Sociology
If your major falls under the the College of Liberal Arts (CLA), take one of the following courses according to your specific major requirement:
- HDEV 190 - Elementary Statistics in Social and Behavioral Sciences
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: STAT 90
- If you already have credit for HDEV 190:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CLA advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- MATH 104 - The Power of Mathematics
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: MATH 94
- If you already have credit for MATH 104:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CLA advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- PSY 110 - Introductory Statistics
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: STAT 90
- If you already have credit for PSY 110:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CLA advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- SOC 170 - Elementary Statistics
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: STAT 90
- If you already have credit for SOC 170:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CLA advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- STAT 108 - Statistics for Everyday Life
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: STAT 90
- If you already have credit for STAT 108 :
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CLA advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
For Anthroplogy majors
If your major falls under the the College of Liberal Arts (CLA), take one of the following courses according to your specific major requirement:
- HDEV 190 - Elementary Statistics in Social and Behavioral Sciences
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: STAT 90
- If you already have credit for HDEV 190:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CLA advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- PSY 110 - Introductory Statistics
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: STAT 90
- If you already have credit for PSY 110:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CLA advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- SOC 170 - Elementary Statistics
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: STAT 90
- If you already have credit for SOC 170:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CLA advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- STAT 108 - Statistics for Everyday Life
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: STAT 90
- If you already have credit for STAT 108 :
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CLA advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
For Economics majors except B.A. in Economics with Option in Mathematical Economics & Economic Theory
The following list of math courses is from most advanced to the least; take the most advanced math course for which you qualify:
- MATH 115 - Calculus for Business*
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- Placement category M1, M2, M2C (ready for general education mathematics)
- Math SAT score of 570 or higher
- Math ACT score of 25 or higher
- ALEKS Mathematics Placement score of 60 or higher
- Both: official high school GPA of 3.5+ and Math SAT score of 500+
- Both: official high school GPA of 3.5+ and Math ACT score of 21+
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Optional: Take MATH 95 for additional support (homework help and test prep) while taking MATH 115.
- If you are a freshmen with a high school GPA less than 3.5:
- Also Take: MATH 95
- If you already have credit for MATH 115, MATH 119A, or MATH 122:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CLA advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- *Note: you may instead take MATH 119A or MATH 122 in place of MATH 115 if you meet the higher pre-requisites
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- MATH 112A - Essential Algebra A
- Take this course if you did not meet any criterion for the courses above.
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: MATH 92
For the major B.A. in Economics with Option in Mathematical Economics & Economic Theory
This major requires you to take a sequence of math courses that include Precalculus Algebra. The following list of math courses is from most advanced to the least; take the most advanced math course for which you qualify:
- MATH 224 - Calculus III
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- Calculus-BC AP Test score of 3 or higher
- Already have course credit for MATH 123
- If you already have credit for MATH 224:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CLA advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- MATH 123 - Calculus II
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- Calculus-AB AP Test score of 3 or higher
- Mathematics Higher Level IB Test score of 4 or higher
- Calculus CLEP Examination score of 50 or higher
- Already have course credit for MATH 122
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- MATH 122 - Calculus I
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- Math SAT score of 680 or higher
- Math ACT score of 31 or higher
- Math SAT II score of 610 or higher
- ALEKS Mathematics Placement score of 80 or higher
- Calculus-AB AP Test score of 2
- Calculus-BC AP Test score of 2
- Mathematics Higher Level IB Test score of 3
- Pre-Calculus CLEP Examination score of 50 or higher
- College Algebra CLEP Examination score of 50 or higher
- Already have course credit for MATH 111 and MATH 113
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- MATH 113 - Precalculus Algebra
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- Placement category M1, M2, M2C (ready for general education mathematics)
- Math SAT score of 570 or higher
- Math ACT score of 25 or higher
- ALEKS Mathematics Placement score of 60 or higher
- Both: official high school GPA of 3.5+ and Math SAT score of 500+
- Both: official high school GPA of 3.5+ and Math ACT score of 21+
- If you are a freshmen with a high school GPA less than 3.5:
- Also Take: MATH 93
- Also Take: MATH 111 - Precalculus Trigonometry if needed
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- MATH 112A - Essential Algebra A & MATH 92
- Take these courses if you did not meet any criterion for the courses above.
- Please note that MATH 112A and MATH 112B as a combined pair (6 units total) is the equivalent of MATH 113 (3 units). You can reduce the number of math courses you will need to take if you can qualify for MATH 113 instead. ALEKS Mathematics Placement can help you qualify for MATH 113.
For the major B.S. in Environmental Science & Policy
These majors require you to take a sequence of math courses that include Precalculus Algebra. The following list of math courses is from most advanced to the least; take the most advanced math course for which you qualify:
- MATH 119A - Survey of Calculus I*
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- Math SAT score of 630 or higher
- Math ACT score of 27 or higher
- Math SAT II score of 550 or higher
- ALEKS Mathematics Placement score of 80 or higher
- Calculus-AB AP Test score of 2
- Calculus-BC AP Test score of 2
- Mathematics Higher Level IB Test score of 3
- Pre-Calculus CLEP Examination score of 50 or higher
- College Algebra CLEP Examination score of 50 or higher
- Already have credit for MATH 112B or MATH 113
- If you already have credit for MATH 119A or MATH 122:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CLA advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- *Note: you may instead take MATH 122 in place of MATH 119A if you meet the higher pre-requisites
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- MATH 113 - Precalculus Algebra
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- Placement category M1, M2, M2C (ready for general education mathematics)
- Math SAT score of 570 or higher
- Math ACT score of 25 or higher
- ALEKS Mathematics Placement score of 60 or higher
- Both: official high school GPA of 3.5+ and Math SAT score of 500+
- Both: official high school GPA of 3.5+ and Math ACT score of 21+
- If you are a freshmen with a high school GPA less than 3.5:
- Also Take: MATH 93
- If you will be taking MATH 122 in a later semester:
- Also Take: MATH 111
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- MATH 112A - Essential Algebra A & MATH 92
- Take these courses if you did not meet any criterion for the courses above.
- Please note that MATH 112A and MATH 112B as a combined pair (6 units total) is the equivalent of MATH 113 (3 units). You can reduce the number of math courses you will need to take if you can qualify for MATH 113 instead. ALEKS Mathematics Placement can help you qualify for MATH 113.
For the major B.A. in Environmental Science & Policy
These majors require you to take a sequence of math courses that include precalculus algebra. The following list of math courses is from most advanced to least; take the most advanced math course for which you qualify:
- MATH 115 - Calculus for Business*
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- Placement category M1, M2, M2C (ready for general education mathematics)
- Math SAT score of 570 or higher
- Math ACT score of 25 or higher
- ALEKS Mathematics Placement score of 60 or higher
- Both: official high school GPA of 3.5+ and Math SAT score of 500+
- Both: official high school GPA of 3.5+ and Math ACT score of 21+
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Optional: Take MATH 95 for additional support (homework help and test prep) while taking MATH 115.
- If you are a freshmen with a high school GPA less than 3.5:
- Also Take: MATH 95
- If you already have credit for MATH 115, MATH 119A, or MATH 122:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CLA advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- *Note: you may instead take MATH 119A or MATH 122 in place of MATH 115 if you meet the higher pre-requisites
- Take this course if you meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:
- MATH 112A - Essential Algebra A
- Take this course if you did not meet any criterion for the courses above.
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: MATH 92
For Human Development, International Studies, Psychology, and Sociology majors
If your major falls under the the College of Liberal Arts (CLA), take one of the following courses according to your specific major requirement:
- HDEV 190 - Elementary Statistics in Social and Behavioral Sciences
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: STAT 90
- If you already have credit for HDEV 190:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CLA advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- PSY 110 - Introductory Statistics
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: STAT 90
- If you already have credit for PSY 110:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CLA advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- SOC 170 - Elementary Statistics
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
- Also Take: STAT 90
- If you already have credit for SOC 170:
- Instead Take: a course in consultation with a CLA advisor or an advisor at the University Center for Undergraduate Advising for a recommendation of your major-specific mathematics course
- If you were recommended or required to take Early Start Mathematics and did not score 60 or higher on the ALEKS Mathematics Placement:
Please consult with your advisor from the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics advising center.
If your major falls under the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (CNSM), you will be required to take a sequence of math courses that includes precalculus algebra.
Please note that all math and science bachelor degrees (120 units) in CNSM start with Calculus 1 (either MATH 119A for life sciences or MATH 122 for physical sciences and mathematics). Starting your math sequence in MATH 113/MATH 111 or in MATH 112A will add 1 or 2 semesters to your degree, increasing both completion time and cost. ALEKS Mathematics Placement can help you qualify for a more advanced math course.

For all science and math (CNSM) majors, MATH 112A, 112B, 111, and 113 do not count towards degree progress.
Some Biology majors require MATH 119A - Survey of Calculus I. All other majors require at least MATH 122 - Calculus I.
Sequence for Biology Majors Requiring MATH 119A
If the courses that do not count towards degree progress are included, the calculus course sequence is as follows:
- MATH 112A - Essential Algebra A
- MATH 112B - Essential Algebra B
- MATH 119A - Survey of Calculus I
MATH 113 - Precalculus Algebra can replace MATH 112A and MATH 112B.
Sequence for All Other CNSM Majors
If the courses that do not count towards degree progress are included, the calculus course sequence is as follows:
- MATH 112A - Essential Algebra A
- MATH 112B - Essential Algebra B and MATH 111 Precalculus Trig
- MATH 122 - Calculus I (required for Biology majors)
- MATH 123 - Calculus II (required for Biochemistry and Geology majors)
- MATH 224 - Calculus III (required for Chemistry, Physics, and Math majors)
MATH 113 - Precalculus Algebra can replace MATH 112A and MATH 112B.
How We Place You
We use CSULB Algebra and Calculus Placement Multiple Measures to place incoming freshmen into an appropriate first-semester mathematics course. Please see Math Placement for Incoming CNSM Freshmen for more information.
Course Credit
You may already have credit for a required mathematics course if you have passed an equivalent course at another college or taken the Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams. Please be sure to check with your advisor.
You may already have credit for HDEV 190 - Elementary Statistics in Social and Behavioral Sciences if you meet the following:
- passed an equivalent course at another college
You may already have credit for MATH 104 - The Power of Mathematics if you meet the following:
- passed an equivalent course at another college
You may already have credit for MATH 111 - Precalculus Trigonometry if you meet the following:
- Passed an equivalent course at another college
You may already have credit for MATH 112A - Essential Algebra A if you meet the following:
- Passed an equivalent course at another college
You may already have credit for MATH 112B - Essential Algebra B if you meet the following:
- Passed an equivalent course at another college
You may already have credit for MATH 113 - Precalculus Algebra if you meet the following:
- Passed an equivalent course at another college
You may already have credit for MATH 115 - Calculus for Business if you meet the following:
- Passed an equivalent course at another college
You may already have credit for MATH 119A - Survey of Calculus I if you meet the following:
- Passed an equivalent course at another college
You may already have credit for MATH 119B - Survey of Calculus II if you meet the following:
- Passed an equivalent course at another college
You may already have credit for MATH 122 - Calculus I if you meet at least one (1) of the following:
- Calculus-AB AP Test score is 3 or higher
- Calculus-BC AP Test score is 3 or higher
- Mathematics Higher Level IB Test score is 4 or higher
- Calculus CLEP Examination score is 50 or higher
- Passed an equivalent course at another college
You may already have credit for MATH 123 - Calculus II if you meet at least one (1) of the following:
- Calculus-BC AP Test score is 3 or higher
- Passed an equivalent course at another college
You may already have credit for MATH 224 - Calculus III if you meet the following:
- Passed an equivalent course at another college
You may already have credit for MTED 110 - The Real Number System for Elementary and Middle School Teachers if you meet the following:
- passed an equivalent course at another college
You may already have credit for PSY 110 - Introductory Statistics if you meet the following:
- Passed an equivalent course at another college
You may already have credit for SOC 170 - Elementary Statistics if you meet of the following:
- Passed an equivalent course at another college
You may already have credit for STAT 108 - Statistics for Everyday Life if you meet at least one (1) of the following:
- Statistics AP Test score is 3 or higher
- Passed an equivalent course at another college
You may already have credit for STAT 118 - Introduction to Business Statistics if you meet at least one (1) of the following:
- Statistics AP Test score is 4 or higher
- Passed an equivalent course at another college