PRO: Popular Campus Resources


CAPS (Counseling & Psychological Services)
- CAPS helps students meet the personal challenges associated with identifying and accomplishing academic, career, and life goals. Our services include short-term counseling for individuals, group counseling, career development counseling, referral services, psychoeducational workshops, and crisis intervention.
Career Development Center (CDC)
- The CDC empowers students to become effective leaders of their personal career journeys. Through career counseling, employer connections, and professional development opportunities, the CDC prepare CSULB students to become skilled and productive members of the local, national, and global workforce.
- The Career Development Center staff provides assistance regarding career exploration and development tailored to your specific professional needs. We can help during every step of the career-decision making process, whether it is learning about majors and career options or finding the right internship or career position. We are your best resource for job outlook, salary and employment trend information and are equipped to provide you professional career advice.
University Writing Center (UWA)
- The UWC offers a variety of tutoring services and workshops for students across the campus, from one-on-one consultations where you can get answers to your writing questions to workshops on taking the GPE, writing strong arguments, and proofreading for error-free writing.
Graduate Studies Resource Center (GSRC)
- The GSRC is dedicated to enhancing post-baccalaureate opportunities, program completion, and student success at California State University, Long Beach by providing academic and professional support services for current and prospective graduate students.
- The GSRC is a centralized source of information for graduate programs, application procedures and deadlines, student funding, and graduate writing support. Located on the 5thfloor of the Library, the Center offers study space to students and small work groups. The Center is open to all students, from all majors/disciplines.
Psychology Student Association (PSA)/ Psi Chi Honor Society
- The Psychology Student Association (PSA) and Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology are our department’s student organizations in psychology. The two organizations act together to encourage networking between students and faculty at CSULB. Our aim is to provide students with information and resources to succeed in psychology in a socially active setting.
- PSA/Psi Chi meet together every other Wednesday during Fall and Spring semesters, and all are welcome to attend!
Academic Advising for Psychology Students (ATLAS)
- ATLAS advises students on university degree requirements (such as psychology major requirements, psychology minor requirements, General Education (GE), GPA requirements, or other CSULB policies that affect CSULB students’ degree completion
PRO Tip: At the Psychology Resource Office, we advise students to check in with an ATLAS advisor at least once each semester to ensure they are on track toward a timely graduation and know how to complete all their degree requirements!
Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC)
- The Bob Murphy Access Center is a student support program to assist students with disabilities as they secure their university degrees at California State University, Long Beach. We provide services to over 1,500 students each semester. Over 10,000 students with disabilities have graduated from CSULB with support from our program.
Division of Information Technology
- The Division of Information Technology (DOIT) is CSULB’s academic technology organization and is responsible for providing high-quality, reliable, and secure information and technology services that facilitate student success and enable faculty and staff to do the best they can do. The technology help desk is available to all students to assist them with their technology needs and troubleshooting.
Psychology Student Study Center (PSSC)
- The mission of the PSSC is to provide a gathering place for psychology students to study and learn from one another. The staff members of the PSSC are knowledgeable Graduate Assistants and Instructional Student Assistants who provide tutoring for a variety of psychology courses.
- Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) is a nonprofit association organized under the university umbrella—run for students, by students. The mission of ASI is to improve the quality of campus life for students while enhancing their educational experience. Students automatically become members of ASI when they pay their mandatory student fees at the time of registration.
Student Life and Development (SLD)
- The Student Life and Development office manages sororities, fraternities, clubs, and sports. The mission of SLD is to make sure all programs on campus run smoothly.