Political Science Student Association (PSSA)
Description: The PSSA is a student led organization that strives to provide students with an academic environment in which they feel comfortable sharing their views and opinions on issues that affect the world around us. The PSSA will also often provide the student body with opportunities to expand their knowledge and awareness in the form of prestigious speakers, workshops, documentary screenings, and issues forums. Additionally, the PSSA will work with students in the interest of increasing their impact both on campus, in the community, and in the professional world. The PSSA is a valuable resource for students who wish to enhance their academic resume, as well as for students who are exploring the possibility of a major or minor in Political Science. The membership policy is open, with no fees or registration required to attend. Any and all students, regardless of major, are welcome to both attend and participate in events and meetings.
Our Mission: To provide an open forum in which students and fellow members of the academic community can share their opinions and ideas, while promoting a thoughtful and respectful discourse on the topics at hand. To present students with information regarding ways they can increase the value of their degree through professional opportunities, internships, and post-graduate programs. To assist students in finding ways they can become active participants in their communities, as well as the college community, through engaging in issues that they find to be interesting and relevant. To inform students about career paths that will open to them upon their completion of the Political Science program, and to help students navigate the complex professional world that awaits all of us.