Office Hours


Spring 2025

Name    Email OfficeOffice Hours
Zereen Ahmed MHB 502 
Chelsea Allenchelsea.allen@csulb.eduMHB 712Tuesday & Thursday 10:00am-11:00am
Mary Scarlette Amarismsa.gypsy@gmail.comMHB 711

M 3:30 – 4:40pm

MW 9:30 – 10:45 am

MW 12:30 – 1:45pm

Sarah Arroyosarah.arroyo@csulb.eduMHB 409 
Jenny Bassjenny.bass@csulb.eduMHB 718MW 3:30-4:30 pm and by appointment
Jake Belkinjacob.belkin@csulb.eduMHB 810
100B.20 English Comp: T/TH, 10am-11am in person, over zoom, and by appointment.
100B.46 English Comp: T/TH, 5pm-6pm in person, over zoom, and by appointment. 


205.04 Creative Writing Fiction: T/TH, 1pm-2pm in person, over zoom, and by appointment. 

Elyse Blankleyelyse.blankley@csulb.eduFO2 222

MW 4-5; 

Tu 5-5:30; and by appointment

Mason Boyermason.boyer@csulb.eduMHB 711T/Th 11:30 - 1:30 on zoom
Jessica Brooks jessica.brooks@csulb.eduMHB 508M/W 8:15-9:15 a.m. and 3:15-4:15 p.m. and by appointment on Thursdays
Melanie Buckowskimelanie.buckowski@csulb.eduMHB 708 
Jamie Buehlerjamie.buehler@csulb.eduMHB 708MW 1:30 - 3pm in MHB 708, and Fridays on Zoom by appointment.
Susan Carlilesusan.carlile@csulb.eduMHB 305MW 5:30-6:30pm and Tuesdays by appt via Zoom.
Erin CaronErin.Caron@csulb.eduTA 234 
Stephen Cooperstephen.cooper@csulb.eduMHB 403TuTh 3:30-4:30 or by appointment
Adrienne Coveyadrienne.covey@csulb.eduMHB 406 
Rebecca Cummingsrebecca.cummings@csulb.eduMHB 511

In-Person drop-in office hours:Tuesdays, 12:30 to 3:30 PM

Thursdays, 12:30 to 1:30 PM

or by appointment outside my in-person open office hours. 
Zoom drop-in office: By appointment.

Tyler Diltstyler.dilts@csulb.eduMHB 702 
Tom 715 
Jeffrey Douglasjeffrey.douglas@csulb.eduMHB 312 
Logan Esdalelogan.esdale@csulb.eduMHB 313M/W 11-12 and by appointment.
Araceli Esparazaaraceli.esparza@csulb.eduMHB 318Tuesdays, 12:45-1:45, in-person or via Zoom, and by appointment.
Kelly Eyrekelly.eyre@csulb.eduMHB 808 
Lisa Glattlisa.glatt@csulb.eduMHB 713M/W 9:30-10:45 and by appointment.
Alec Gonzalezalec.gonzales02@student.csulb.eduMHB 717Tuesdays from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m
Suzanne Greenbergsuzanne.greenberg@csulb.eduMHB 501
Tuesday 11-12 in person
Thursday 11-12  Zoom — email for link
Violet Gregoryviolet.gregory@csulb.eduMHB 317
11am-12pm, M-Th on Zoom or in person, or by appointment. 
William (Gary) Griswoldwilliam.griswold@csulb.eduMHB 408Monday - Friday by appointment.
Katie Grothekatherine.grothe@csulb.eduemail onlyThursdays, 10:30-11:30am, or by appointment.
Robert Guffeyrobert.guffey@csulb.eduMHB 711M/W 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM.
Elizabeth Guzikelizabeth.guzik@csulb.eduMHB 405 
E. Jann Harrise.jann.harris@csulb.eduMHB 406 
George Hartgeorge.hart@csulb.eduMHB 410
MW 4:00-5:00 pm and by appointment on Zoom.
David Hernandezdavid.hernandez@csulb.eduMHB 713Wednesdays from 10am-12pm by appointment.
Harold Hoffmanharold.hoffman@csulb.eduMHB 809 M/W: Noon -1:00 PM and by appointment
Neil Hultgrenneil.hultgren@csulb.eduMHB 308By appointment
Shawne Humeshawne.hume@csulb.eduMHB 709 
Stephanie Johnsonstephanie.johnson@csulb.eduMHB 505
Mondays and Wednesdays: 9-10 am and 5-7 pm via Zoom 
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 2-6 pm in person
Henatay Journeyhenatay.journey@csulb.eduMHB 502

100B.08: Monday 12:30-1:30 

100B.09: Monday 11:30-12:30 

Margaret Karteronmargaret.karteron@csulb.eduMHB 401 
Lloyd Kermodelloyd.kermode@csulb.eduMHB 305M/W 2-3 & by appt
Geri Lawsongeri.lawson@csulb.eduMHB 406M/W 3:30-4:30; by appt in person and in Zoom
Max Lemuzmax.lemuz@csulb.eduMHB 709T/Th 12:30 - 1:45pm
Moyang 312Mondays from 12-1 pm, and by appointment via email.
Tammy Locklintammy.locklin@csulb.eduMHB 317 
Zachary Locklinzachary.locklin@csulb.eduMHB 702
12:30-1:45 Monday/Wednesday
11:00-12:15 Tuesday/Thursday
Or by appointment.
Dennis Lopezdennis.lopez@csulb.eduMHB 318Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4pm - 5pm and by appointment.
Patricia Loughreypatricia.loughrey@csulb.eduMHB 806Wednesday 11:00-12:00
Amy Loyamy.loy@csulb.eduN/A

Wednesdays 2-3pm & by scheduled appointment

Zoom Office Meeting Link
Zoom Office Meeting ID: 895 5315 5634

Chris Mardiroussianchris.mardiroussian@csulb.eduMHB 313 
Clint Margraveclint.margrave@csulb.eduMHB 809N/A
Kiana Martinkiana.martin@csulb.eduMHB 402
Wednesdays: 1-2pm
Tiffany Martintiffany.martin@csulb.eduEDD 67 
Tina Matuchniaktina.matuchniak@csulb.eduSSSC-245MW 11:30 – 12:30
Kristy McCants-Forbeskristy.mccantsforbes@csulb.eduMHB 806 
Barbara Mellobarbara.mello@csulb.eduMHB 810
By appointment only
Pauline Menchavezpaulinerose.menchavez01@student.csulb.eduMHB 717 
Jessica Mendozajessica.mendoza@csulb.eduMHB 718 
Ilan Mitchell-SmithIlan.MitchellSmith@csulb.eduMHB 506

T/TH 12:00pm-2:00pm and by appointment 

M/W (in person or using Zoom)

William (Bill) Mohrwilliam.mohr@csulb.eduMHB 301
Tuesday and Thursday, 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. and by appointment (on Zoom)
Karen Morehousekaren.morehouse@csulb.eduOFF-SITE 
Anthony Olahanthony.olah@csulb.eduMHB 806M/W: 8:30-9:30/11:00-12:30
Michael Opsteegmichael.opsteegh@csulb.eduMHB 706Tuesdays, 5:00–6:00pm and by appointment
Doris Palomarezdoris.palomarez@csulb.eduMHB 320Fridays 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Michael Palomarezmichael.palomarez@csulb.eduMHB 809 
Zara Raheemzara.raheem@csulb.eduMHB 317
ENGL 205 (section 1): Monday 3:15-4:15pm via Zoom and by appointment
ENGL 205 (section 2): Monday 11:00-12:00pm via Zoom and by appointment
ENGL 405 (section 1): Wed 11:00-12:00pm via Zoom and by appointment
Iliana Resendeziliana.resendiz01@student.csulb.eduMHB 717 
Randy Reynagarandy.reynaga01@student.csulb.eduMHB 717Wednesdays 2pm-3pm, Fridays 1pm-2pm, and by appointment.
Joesph Ripleyjoseph.ripley@csulb.eduMHB 709 
Sandra, 6:45-7:45pm and by appointment (venue as agreed upon by instructor and student).
Rosalina Ruizrosalina.ruiz.csulb.eduMHB 708 
Rusty Rustrusty.rust@csulb.eduMHB 503 
Barton Saundersbarton.saunders@csulb.eduMHB 710 
John Scenters-Zapicojohn.scenters-zapico@csulb.eduFO5 211 
Norbert Schürernschurer@csulb.eduMHB 302 
Patty Seyburnpatty.seyburn@csulb.eduMHB 712 
K.T. Shavervasiliki.shaver@csulb.eduMHB 409T/Th 11am-12pm + arranged on Zoom.
Marc Simoesmarc.simoes@csulb.eduMHB 808Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 to 5:00 PM; additional hours available both in person and online by appointment.
Katy Simoniankaty.simonian@csulb.eduMHB 806 
Kelsey Slaterkelsey.slater@csulb.eduMHB 718MWF 12:30-2:30
Jennifer Smithjennifer.smith@csulb.eduMHB 706M 1-2:30 PM & Th 12-1:30 PM via self-sign up in Canvas Calendar and by appointment.
Lori Smurthwaitlori.smurthwaite@csulb.eduLAB 206 
Savannah St. JohnSavannah.StJohn@csulb.eduMHB 511

Tues/Thurs 9:30-10:30 AM 

Friday 12-1 PM

all office hours are conducted via Zoom.

Courtney Stammlercourtney.stammler@csulb.eduFND 104MW 11-12 
John Stavastjohn.stavast@csulb.eduMHB 710
M: 11:30-12:00; 3:30-4:30
Tue: 11:30-12:00; 3:30-4:30
And by appt.
Hiba Taylorhiba.taylor@csulb.eduHC 131Thursdays 7:00-8:00 PM via Zoom
Thomas Thrashert.thrasher@csulb.eduMHB 511

M via Zoom 2 to 4 pm 

W on-campus / in-person 12 to 2 pm, or by appointment.

Rene Treviñorene.trevino@csulb.eduMHB 309Tu/Th 10:45am-11:45am
Martine Van Elkmartine.vanelk@csulb.eduMHB 512

Tuesday 2-3pm 

Thursday 8:15-9:15am

William Vasquezwilliam.vasquez@csulb.eduMHB 810 
David Wallacedavid.wallace@csulb.eduMHB 705Tuesday 11:00 am to 12:00 pm and Zoom by appointment.
Frederick Wegenerfrederick.wegener@csulb.eduMHB 510M, W, Th 4:00-5:00
Mark Williamsmark.williams@csulb.eduMHB 310

Wed, 2-3:20 pm

Thurs 2:30 to 4 pm, and by appt.

Jacob Wilsonjacob.wilson@student.csulb.eduMHB 717