How to Apply

The following information is based on prior EGI programs; this program is no longer active.

What are the requirements to apply?

Interested Applicants must meet all of the requirements below to be considered. They must:

  1. Be a female student.
  2. Be entering 8th grade or 9th grade in the upcoming fall semester.
  3. Be accompanied by an adult, female family member or guardian who will serve as the students’ advocate for engineering and science during and after the completion of the program.
  4. Be performing at grade-level or higher in mathematics and have interest in sciences and technology.
  5. Have a GPA of 3.70 or higher.
  6. Be recommended by a school counselor or teacher.
  7. Have transportation to and from campus for each day of the event. Given the non-residential component, a family member may be asked to attend specific program components.
  8. Be able to supply a non-refundable materials fee of $75 if accepted into the program (fee reduced for 2023).

How do I apply to the program?

If an applicant meets all of the requirements listed above, they are welcome to apply to the program.

To submit your application, please follow the steps below:

  1. Fill out a EGI Application Qualtrics survey (link will be provided when applications are being accepted). You will be asked to upload an essay, copy of the student’s official transcripts, and CST scores (or equivalent).
  2. Two letters of recommendations are required. One letter must be from a school counselor or teacher, the other must be from a non-parent/non-guardian. The recommenders can submit their letter through a Letter of Recommendation Qualtrics survey (link will be provided when applications are being accepted), please send this link to your recommenders.