California Aerospace Technologies Institute of Excellence (CATIE)

The California Aerospace Technologies Institute of Excellence (CATIE) was established to meet aerospace industry needs for technology growth in California’s Antelope Valley and Mojave regions. CATIE facilitates a progressive collaboration network platform with the aerospace industry, Air Force Research Laboratory, Mojave Air and Space Port, Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, and academic research institutions for emerging and advanced technology in space propulsion and responsiveness systems, including California State University Long Beach College of Engineering.
CATIE was formed to:
- Link the marketplace with the aerospace and defense industry.
- Support academic institutions in aerospace research and advanced manufacturing
- Support effective public policy at the local, state, and national levels
- Facilitate aerospace technology innovation and commercialization
- Facilitate aerospace business development
Educational members include:
- Antelope Valley College (Math, Sciences, and Engineering and Airframe Manufacturing Technology)
- Cal Poly Pomona College of Engineering (Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering)
- Cal State Long Beach College of Engineering (Antelope Valley Engineering Program, Computer Engineering & Computer Science)
Industrial partners are:
- Air Force Research Lab
- Boeing
- Edwards Air Force Base
- Lockheed Martin
- Mojave Air and Space Port
- NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center
- Naval Air Weapons Station – China Lake
- Northrop Grumman
- Virgin Galactic/The Spaceship Company
Dr. Khalil Dajani
Director, California Aerospace Technologies Institute of Excellence
3041 West Ave K, Lancaster, CA 93536
Phone: 661.722.6447 | Fax: 661.722.6316