2022 CECS Senior Expo
Eighteen teams participated in the 2022 CSULB Computer Engineering and Computer Science Senior Expo at The Pointe on Tuesday, using a variety of technologies--including blockchain, facial recognition, artificial intelligence, and mobile apps--to solve a host of societal and technical problems. The culmination of two semesters of work for the graduating seniors, the projects included an electric race cart, an intelligent chess board, an autonomous beach carrier, a plant-based marketplace, a pet-care system, and apps for travel planning, financial investment analysis, music composition, and more.
Nearly 100 students participated in the expo, which was organized by CECS Lecturer Dan Cregg and CECS Chair Mehrdad Aliasgari. Judges from industry listened to team presentations and tabulated results to declare winners in three areas:
Social Impact: The Spaghetti Surgeons team, which includes Nabiha Bashir, Ryan Ignasiak, Bilan Mohamed, Zaid Tabaa, and Nicole Tendencia, won the award for the project with the Most Social Impact. The idea for its Kid MD app came from child life specialists at the MemorialCare Miller Children's & Women's Hospital, who needed a tool to reduce anxiety and demystify procedures for children awaiting surgery.
Innovative Technology: The Beach Launch Team Avionics group won the award for Most Innovative Technology for its avionics system, which featured an interactive GUI, solenoid valve actuation, and data recovery and analysis to control the BLT rocket's electrical system. The team inlcudes Jacob Waters, Shawn Joseph, Amin Hakem, Derick Bui, and Rishikesh Ramhit.
Highest Monetization Potential: The Door Ding team, which developed a system to let you keep track of your car, won the prize for Highest Monetization Potential. The team includes Ethan Hua, Kevin Nguyen, Rodrigo Beccerril Ferreyra, and Colton Curtis.