Dr. Aftab Ahmed
- Li, F., Ahmed, A., Klinkova, A. et al, “Interplay of Electrochemical and Electrical Effects Induces Structural Transformations in Electrocatalysts,” Nature Catalysis, 4 (6), pp. 479-487, 2021.
- Li, F., Chandrasekar, S., Ahmed, A., and Klinkova, A., “Interparticle Gap Geometry Effects on Chiroptical Properties of Plasmonic Nanoparticle Assemblies,” Nanotechnology, 33 (12), 5203, 2021.
- Medvedeva, X., Li, F., Maokhamphiou, A., Medvedev, J., Ahmed, A., and Klinkova, A., “Shape Control in Seed-mediated Synthesis of Non-elongated Cu Nanoparticles and their Optical Properties,” Nanoscale, 13, pp. 12505-12512, 2021.
Dr. Siavash Ahar
- Kim, L, Gomez, E., Ahrar, S., and Hedde, P.N., "Miniaturized Light-Sheet Microscopy," Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, Fla., 2021.
Dr. Mehrdad Aliasgari
- Aliasgari, M., Englert, B., Morales-Ponce, O., “Computing the Optimal Longest Queue Length in Torus Networks,” TPNC 2021: pp. 3-14, 2021.
- Gao, Y., Makrani, H. M., Aliasgari, M., Rezaei, A., Lin, J., Homayoun, H., and Sayadi, H., “Adaptive-HMD: Accurate and Cost-Efficient Machine Learning-Driven Framework for Online Malware Detection using Microarchitectural Events,” 27th IEEE Intl. Symp. on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS), pp. 1-7, Italy, 2021.
- Zhang, W., Li, L., Cheong, V., Fu, B., and Aliasgari, M., “Deep Encoder-Decoder Neural Networks for Retinal Blood Vessel Dense Prediction.” Intl. J. Computational Intelligence Systems 14 (1), pp. 1078-1086, 2021.
Dr. Saleh Al-Jufout
- Ho, S., Al-Jufout, S., Dajani, S., and Mozumdar, M., “A Novel Intrusion Detection Model for Detecting Known and Innovative Cyberattacks using Convolutional Neural Network,” IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, vol. 2, pp. 14-25, 2021.
- Ho, S., Zhang, W., Young, W., Buchholz, M., Al Jufout, S., Dajani, K., Bian, L., Mozumdar, M., “DLAM: Deep Learning Based Real-Time Porosity Prediction for Additive Manufacturing Using Thermal Images of the Melt Pool,” IEEE Access 9, pp. 115100-115114, 2021.
- Ibrahim, N., Al-Quteimat, A., Mozumdar, M., and Al-Jufout, S., “A Novel Approach for Crowbar Resistance Determination for Doubly Fed Induction Generators in Wind Energy Conversion Systems,” Intl. J. Ambient Energy, vol. 42, pp. 1-10, 2021.
- Young, W., Ho, S., Al-Jufout, S., Mozumdar, M., Buchholz, M., Zhang, W., and Dajani, K., “Real-time Porosity Prediction for Metal Additive Manufacturing using Convolutional Neural Networks,” TechConnect World Innovation Conf. and Expo, Washington, D.C., pp. 1-2, 2021.
Dr. Shadnaz Asgari
- Asgari, S., Trajkovic, J., Rahmani, M., Zhang, W., Lo, R.C., Sciortino, A., “An Observational Study of Engineering Online Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Plos One, vol. 16, issue 4, April 2021.
Dr. Vahid Balali
- Moghaddam, K., Balali, V., Singh, P., and Khalilikhah, M. “Evaluation of Multi-class Multi-label Machine Learning Methods to Identify the Contributing Factors to the Severity of Animal-Vehicle Collisions,” Intl. J. for Traffic and Transportation Engineering (IJTTE), 11(3), pp. 341-358, 2021.
- Shehab, T., Haghighat, R., Sajjan, K., and Balali, V., “Prioritization of K-12 School Maintenance Construction Projects Using Genetic Algorithm and Dynamic Programming Models,” J. Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), 26, pp. 112-127, 2021.
- Tavakoli, A., Kumar, S., Guo, X., Balali, V., Boukhechba, M., and Heydarian, A., “HARMONY: A Human-centered Multimodal Driving Study in the Wild,” J. IEEE Access, 9, pp. 23956-23978, 2021.
Dr. Ehsan Barjasteh
- Kabir, S.F., Sukumaran, S., Moghtadernejad, S., Barjasteh, E., Fini, E.H., “End of Life Plastics to Enhance Sustainability of Pavement Construction Utilizing a Hybrid Treatment of Bio-oil and Carbon Coating,” Construction and Building Materials, 278, 122444, 2021.
- Moghtadernejad, S., Barjasteh, E., Nagata, R., Malabeh, H., “Enhancement of Asphalt Performance by Graphene-Based Bitumen Nanocomposites,” MTI Publications, 359, 2021.
Dr. Jeremy Bonifacio
- Rahai, H. and Bonifacio, J., “Numerical Investigations of Virus Transport Aboard a Commuter Bus,” Report No. 21-07, Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI), p. 2048, April 2021.
- Rahai, H.R., Bonifacio, J., and Taherian, S., “System and Method for Reducing NOx Emissions of Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE),” patent No. 11,131,278, 9-28-2021.
Dr. Andrea Calabrese
- Calabrese, A., Gandelli, E., Quaglini, V., Strano, S., Terzo, M., Tordela, C., “Monitoring of Hysteretic Friction Degradation of Curved Surface Sliders through a Nonlinear Constrained Estimator,” Engineering Structures, 226, 2021.
- Calabrese, A., Spizzuoco, M.,Galano, S., Tran, N., Strano, S., Terzo, M., “A Parametric Study on the Stability of Fiber Reinforced Rubber Bearings under Combined Axial and Shear Loads,” Engineering Structures, 227, 2021.
- Celli, P., Nunzi, I., Calabrese, A., Lenci, S., Daraio, C., “Sparse Metapiles for Shear Wave Attenuation in Half-spaces,” arXiv preprint, 2021.
- Galano, S., Calabrese, A., Losanno, D., “On the Response of Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators (FREIs) under Bidirectional Shear Loads,” Structures, 34, 2021.
- Galano, S., Losanno, D., Calabrese, A., “Stability Analysis of Unbonded Fiber Reinforced Isolators of Square Shape,” Engineering Structures, 245, 2021.
- Jin, H., Calabrese, A., Liu, Y., “Effects of Different Damping Baffle Configurations on the Dynamic Response of a Liquid Tank under Seismic Excitation,” Engineering Structures, 229, 2021.
- Losanno, D., Palumbo, F., Calabrese, A., Barrasso, T., Vaiana, N., “Preliminary Investigation of Aging Effects on Recycled Rubber Fiber Reinforced Bearings (RR-FRBs),” J. of Earthquake Engineering, 2021.
- Losanno, D., Ravichandran, N., Parisi, F., Calabrese, A., Serino, G., “Seismic Performance of a Low-Cost Base Isolation System for Unreinforced Brick Masonry Buildings in Developing Countries,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 141, 2021.
Dr. Juan Cepeda-Rizo
- Cepeda-Rizo, J. “Thermal and Structural Electronic Packaing Analysis for Space and Extreme Environments,” CRC Press, Dec. 2021.
Dr. Shailesh Chandra
- Chandra, S., Naik, R. T., Venkatesh, M., and Mudgal, A., “Accessibility Evaluations of the Proposed Road User Charge (RUC) Program in CA,” Transport Policy, 113, pp. 12-26, 2021.
Dr. Anastasios Chassiakos
- Balisi, A.N., Jula, H., and Chassiakos, A., “Smart Cities: A Focus on Intelligent Transportation Systems,” 2021 IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conf. (IGESSC), Long Beach, CA, Nov. 2021.
- Krallman, J., Balisi, A.N., Garcia, M.C., Jula, H., and Chassiakos, A., “Traffic Delay Modeling for an Intersection in the City of Long Beach, CA, using Vissim,” 2021 IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conf. (IGESSC), Long Beach, CA, Nov. 2021.
- Rosas, C., Jula, H., Lee, J., and Chassiakos, A., “Neural Network Delay Estimation with Inclusion of Heavy Goods Vehicular Data,” IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conf. (IGESSC), Long Beach, CA, Nov. 2021.
Dr. Emel Demircan
- Harris, E.J., Khoo, I.-H., and Demircan, E., “A Survey of Human Gait-Based Artificial Intelligence Applications,” Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 2021.
- Recinos, E., and Demircan, E., “Understanding Human Perception of Vibrotactile Feedback on the Foot in a Virtual Reality Framework for Applications in Sports Performance,” 18th Intl. Conf. on Ubiquitous Robots, pp. 205-210, 2021.
Dr. Arthur Densmore
- Densmore, A., and Yeh, H.-G., “Necessity Brings Out a Welcomed Laboratory Change,” Proc. American Society for Engineering Education, PSW 2021 Conf., April 2021.
Dr. Bo Fu
- Zhang, W., Li, L., Cheong, V., Fu, B., and Aliasgari, M., “Deep Encoder-Decoder Neural Networks for Retinal Blood Vessel Dense Prediction.” Intl. J. Computational Intelligence Systems 14 (1), pp. 1078-1086, 2021.
Dr. Ava Hedayatipour
- Anderson, K., Hedayatipour, A. and McFarlane, N., “A Wireless Time-Scaling Chaotic Shift Keying Encryption System for Biosensing Systems,” 43rd Annual Intl. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 7594-7597, Nov. 2021.
- Aslanzadeh, S., Hedayatipour, A., Smalley, M. and McFarlane, N., “A Combined pH-Impedance System Suitable for Portable Continuous Sensing,” IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 15(3), pp. 390-401, 2021.
- Hedayatipour, A., and McFarlane, N., “An Encryption Architecture Suitable for On Chip Integration with Sensors,” IEEE J. on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, 2021.
Dr. Laurie Huning
- AghaKouchak, A., Mirchi, A., Madani, k., Di Baldassarre, G., Nazemi, A., Alborzi, A., Anjileli, H., Azarderakhsh, M., Chiang, F., Hassanzadeh, E., Huning, L.S. et al, “Anthropogenic Drought: Definition, Challenges and Opportunities,” Reviews of Geophysics, 59, 2021.
- Anjileli, H., Huning, L.S., Moftakhari, H., et al, “Extreme Heat Events Heighten Soil Respiration,” Scientific Reports, 11(1), 6632, 2021.
- Siirila-Woodburn, E., Rhoades, A.M.,Hatchett, B.J., Huning, L.S., et al, “A Low-to-no Snow Future and its Impacts on Water Resources in the Western United States,” Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, 2, 2021.
Dr. Hossein Jula
- Balisi, A.N., Jula, H., and Chassiakos, A., “Smart Cities: A Focus on Intelligent Transportation Systems,” 2021 IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conf. (IGESSC), Long Beach, CA, Nov. 2021.
- Krallman, J., Balisi, A.N., Garcia, M.C., Jula, H., and Chassiakos, A., “Traffic Delay Modeling for an Intersection in the City of Long Beach, CA, using Vissim,” 2021 IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conf. (IGESSC), Long Beach, CA, Nov. 2021.
- Rosas, C., Jula, H., Lee, J., and Chassiakos, A., “Neural Network Delay Estimation with Inclusion of Heavy Goods Vehicular Data,” IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conf. (IGESSC), Long Beach, CA, Nov. 2021.
Dr. Joseph Kalman
- Cortes, A., and Kalman, J., “Comparison of Ammonium Perchlorate Pressed Pellets versus Single Crystal Wettability with Hydroxyl-terminated Polybutadiene,” AIAA Region VI, Long Beach, CA, April 3-4, 2021.
- Gonzalez, A., Kalman, J., Madadi-Kandjani, E., “A Computational Study on Flame Extinction Limits and Behavior of a Heated Air Slab Burner,” 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics 66, p. 17, 2021.
- Horiuchi, K., and Kalman, J., “Monte Carlo Model of Soot Influence During Ramjet Fuel Laser-Induced Pyrolysis Experiments,” AIAA Region VI, Long Beach, CA, April 3-4, 2021.
- Huynh, A., Horiuchi, K., and Kalman, J., “Thermal Analysis of Boron Carbide and Metal Oxide Mixtures,” 12th U. S. National Combustion Meeting, College Station, Texas, 2021.
- Raissi, S., and Kalman, J., “Investigation of Hydroxyl-terminated Polybutadiene Droplets Impacting Ammonium Perchlorate and Polytetrafluoroethylene Surfaces,” AIAA Region VI, Long Beach, CA, April 3-4, 2021.
- Tolmachoff, E., Baldwin, L., Essel, S., Kalman, S. and Kalman, J., “Particle Swelling in and the Effects of Select Metal Oxides on the Low Temperature Decomposition of Ammonium Perchlorate,” J. Energetic Materials, 2021.
Dr. Ji-Hwan Kang
- Kim, H., Sundaram, S., Kang, J.-H., Tanjeem, N., Emrick, T., and Hayward, R.C., “Coupled Oscillation and Spinning of Photothermal Particles in Marangoni Optical Traps,” Proc. Natl Academy of Sciences of the USA, vol. 118, e2024581118, 2021.
Dr. I-Hung Khoo
- Harris, E.J., Khoo, I.-H., and Demircan, E., “A Survey of Human Gait-Based Artificial Intelligence Applications,” Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 2021.
Dr. Joseph Kim
- Kim, J., Dominguez, S., and Diaz, L., “Economic Evaluation of Route Choice Characteristics for Owner-operator Truck Drivers in Southern CA Freeways,” J. of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2021.
- Kim, J., Petrov, A.L., Lim, J., and Kim, S., “Comparing Cost Performance of Project Delivery Methods using Quantifiable RFIs: Cases in CA Heavy Civil Construction Projects,” Intl. J. Civil Engineering, 2021.
- Lim, J., Kim. J., and Kim, S., “A Holistic Review of Building Energy and Environmental Loads using Big Data,” Sustainability, 13, 2273, 2021.
Dr. Yu-Fu Ko
- Ko, Y.F., “Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Single-Column Bridge Bent with Flexural Failure under Near-Fault Ground Motion,” Intl. J. of Civil Engineering, 2021.
- Ko, Y.F. and Ju, J.W. “Effective Elastic Properties of 3-Phase Particle Reinforced Composites with Randomly Dispersed Elastic Spherical Particles of Different Sizes,” Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 129(3):1305-1328, 2021.
- Doan, S., Kwon, S., and Yeh, H.-G., “Achievable Capacity of Multi-Polarization MIMO with the Practical Polarization-agile Antennas,” IEEE Systems J., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 3081-3092, June 2021.
- Tehrani, A.F., Yeh, H.-G., and Kwon, S., “BER Performance of Space-Time Parallel ICI Cancellation of OFDM in MIMO Power Line Communications,” IEEE Systems J., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1742-1752, June 2021.
Dr. Roger Lo
- Asgari, S., Trajkovic, J., Rahmani, M., Zhang, W., Lo, R.C., Sciortino, A., “An Observational Study of Engineering Online Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Plos One, vol. 16, issue 4, April 2021.
Dr. Ehsan Madadi
- Gonzalez, A., Kalman, J., Madadi-Kandjani, E., “A Computational Study on Flame Extinction Limits and Behavior of a Heated Air Slab Burner,” 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics 66, p. 17, 2021.
- Nguyen, T., Passalacqua, A., Madadi-Kandjani, E., “The Effects of Different RANS Closures on Modelling Swirling Flow in a Macro-scale Multi-inlet Vortex Reactor,” 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics 66, p. 17, 2021.
- Rostamian, A., Madadi-Kandjani, E., Dalir, Hamed, Sorger, Volker, J. , and Chen, Ray T., “Towards Lab-on-Chip Ultrasensitive Ethanol Detection using Photonic Crystal Waveguide Operating in the Mid-infrared,” Nanophotonics, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 1675-1682, 2021.
Dr. Sara Moghtadernejad
- Kabir, S.F., Sukumaran, S., Moghtadernejad, S., Barjasteh, E., Fini, E.H., “End of Life Plastics to Enhance Sustainability of Pavement Construction Utilizing a Hybrid Treatment of Bio-oil and Carbon Coating,” Construction and Building Materials, 278, 122444, 2021.
- Moghtadernejad, S., Barjasteh, E., Nagata, R., Malabeh, H., “Enhancement of Asphalt Performance by Graphene-Based Bitumen Nanocomposites,” MTI Publications, 359, 2021.&
- Moghtadernejad, S., Jadidi, M., Johnson, Z., Stolpe, T., Hanson, J., “Droplet Impact Dynamics on an Aluminum Spinning Disk,” Physics of Fluids 33 (7), 072103, 2021&
Dr. Ju Cheol Moon
- Byun, S., Shin, I. K., Moon, J., Kang, J., and Choi, S. I., “Road Traffic Monitoring from UAV Images Using Deep Learning Networks,” Remote Sensing, vol. 13, issue 20, p. 4027, 2021.
- Kim, J., and Moon, J., “Congestion Costs and Scheduling Preferences of Car Commuters in CA: Estimates Using Big Data,” Annual School and Conf. of the Intl. Transportation Economics Assn., 2021.
Dr. Oscar Morales-Ponce
- Aliasgari, M., Englert, B., Morales-Ponce, O., “Computing the Optimal Longest Queue Length in Torus Networks,” TPNC 2021: pp. 3-14, 2021.
- Coleman, J., Kranakis, E., Krizanc, D., Morales-Ponce, O. “The Pony Express Communication Problem, IWOCA 2021: pp. 208-222, 2021.
- Coleman, J., Kranakis, E., Krizanc, D., Morales-Ponce, O., “Message Delivery in the Plane by Robots with Different Speeds, SSS 2021: pp. 305-319, 2021.
Dr. Mohammad Mozumdar
- Ho, S., Al-Jufout, S., Dajani, S., and Mozumdar, M., “A Novel Intrusion Detection Model for Detecting Known and Innovative Cyberattacks using Convolutional Neural Network,” IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, vol. 2, pp. 14-25, 2021.
- Ho, S., Zhang, W., Young, W., Buchholz, M., Al Jufout, S., Dajani, K., Bian, L., Mozumdar, M., “DLAM: Deep Learning Based Real-Time Porosity Prediction for Additive Manufacturing Using Thermal Images of the Melt Pool,” IEEE Access 9, pp. 115100-115114, 2021.
- Ibrahim, N., Al-Quteimat, A., Mozumdar, M., and Al-Jufout, S., “A Novel Approach for Crowbar Resistance Determination for Doubly Fed Induction Generators in Wind Energy Conversion Systems,” Intl. J. Ambient Energy, vol. 42, pp. 1-10, 2021.
- Young, W., Ho, S., Al-Jufout, S., Mozumdar, M., Buchholz, M., Zhang, W., and Dajani, K., “Real-time Porosity Prediction for Metal Additive Manufacturing using Convolutional Neural Networks,” TechConnect World Innovation Conf. and Expo, Washington, D.C., pp. 1-2, 2021.
Dr. Haixia Peng
- Peng, H., Wu, H., and Shen, X., “Edge Intelligence for Multi-Dimensional Resource Management in Aerial-Assisted Vehicular Networks,” IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 59-65, October 2021.
- Zhang, W., Yang, D., Wu, W., Peng, H., Zhang, H. and Shen, X., “Optimizing Federated Learning in Distributed Industrial IoT: A Multi-Agent Approach,” IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 3688-3703, December 2021.
- Begum, A., and Rahai, H.R., “Numerical Investigations of Transient Wind Shear from Passing Vehicles near a Road Structure,” SAE Technical Paper 2021-01-0964, 2021, also MTI Project 1933 Final Report, January 2021
- Rahai, H.R., Bonifacio, J., and Taherian, S., “System and Method for Reducing NOx Emissions of Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE),” patent No. 11,131,278, 9-28-2021.
- Rahai, H. and Bonifacio, J., “Numerical Investigations of Virus Transport Aboard a Commuter Bus,” Report No. 21-07, Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI), p. 2048, April 2021.
- Rahai, H.R. and Horseman, R., “A Risk Assessment of an Airborne Disease Inside the Cabin of a Passenger Airplane, “SAE Technical Paper 2021-01-0036, 2021.\
Dr. Mehran Rahmani
- Asgari, S., Trajkovic, J., Rahmani, M., Zhang, W., Lo, R.C., Sciortino, A., “An Observational Study of Engineering Online Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Plos One, vol. 16, issue 4, April 2021.
- Rahmani, M., and Todorovska, M.I., “Structural Health Monitoring of a 32-storey Steel-frame Building using 50 Years of Seismic Monitoring Data,” J. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 1777-1800, 2021.
- Todorovska, M.I., Girmay, F Wang, M Rahmani, (2021) “System Identification of a Pyramid-Shaped Building Based on a Nonhomogeneous Doubly Tapered Shear Beam”, J. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2021.
Dr. Amin Rezaei
- Gao, Y., Makrani, H. M., Aliasgari, M., Rezaei, A., Lin, J., Homayoun, H., and Sayadi, H., “Adaptive-HMD: Accurate and Cost-Efficient Machine Learning-Driven Framework for Online Malware Detection using Microarchitectural Events,” 27th IEEE Intl. Symp. on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS), pp. 1-7, Italy, 2021.
- Rezaei, A. and Zhou, H., “Sequential Logic Encryption Against Model Checking Attack,” 24th Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conf. and Exhibition (DATE), pp. 1178-1181, France, 2021.
- Tajdari, F., Tajdari, M., and Rezaei, A., “Discrete Time Delay Feedback Control of Stewart Platform with Intelligent Optimizer Weight Tuner,” IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 12701-12707, China, 2021.
Dr. Shadi Saadeh
- Saadeh, S., Al-Zubi, Y., Katawal, P., Zaatarah, B., Fini, E., “Biochar Effects on the Performance of Conventional and Rubberized HMA,” 2021, J. Road Materials and Pavement Design, pp. 1-17, Taylor & Francis, 2021.
- Rajib, A., Saadeh, S., Katawal, P., Mobasher, B., Fini, E.H., "Enhancing Biomass Value Chain by Utilizing Biochar as A Free Radical Scavenger to Delay Ultraviolet Aging of Bituminous Composites Used in Outdoor Construction," Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 168, May 2021.
Dr. Hossein Sayadi
- Gao, Y., Makrani, H.M., Aliasgari, M., Rezaei, A., Lin, J., Homayoun, H., and Sayadi, H., “Adaptive-HMD: Accurate and Cost-Efficient Machine Learning-Driven Malware Detection using Microarchitectural Events,” Proc. 27th IEEE Intl. Symp. on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS), 2021.
- He, Z., Miari, T., Makrani, H. M., Aliasgari, M., Homayoun, H., and Sayadi, H., “When Machine Learning Meets Hardware Cybersecurity: Delving into Accurate Zero-Day Malware Detection,” Proc. 22nd Intl. Symp. on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 2021.
- Makrani, H., Sayadi, H., Nazari, N., Manoj, S., Sasan, T., Mohsenin, T., Rafatirad, S., and Homayoun, H., “Adaptive Performance Modeling of Data-Intensive Workloads for Resource Provisioning in Virtualized Environment,” ACM Trans. Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (TOMPECS), 2021.
- Makrani, H., Sayadi, H., Rafatirad, S., and Homayoun, H., “Cloak & Co-locate: Adversarial Railroading of Resource Sharing-based Attacks on the Cloud,” Proc. 2021 IEEE Intl. Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED), 2021.
- Nazari, N., Makrani, H., Sayadi, H., Landis, L., Rafatirad, S., and Homayoun, H., “HosNa: A DPC++ Benchmark Suite for Heterogeneous Architectures,”, 39th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Computer Design (ICCD), 2021.
- Sayadi, H., Gao, Y., Makrani, H., Costa, P., Lin, J., Rafatirad, S., and Homayoun, H., “Towards Accurate Run-Time Hardware-Assisted Stealthy Malware Detection: A Lightweight, Yet Effective Time Series CNN-based Approach,” MDPI J. of Cryptography, 2021.
- Wang, H., Sayadi, H., Sasan, A., Manoj, S., Rafatirad, S., and Homayoun, H., “Machine Learning-Assisted Website Fingerprinting Attacks with Side-Channel Information: A Comprehensive Analysis and Characterization,” Proc. 22nd Intl. Symp. on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 2021.
- Wang, H., Sayadi, H., Sasan, A., Manoj, S., Rafatirad, S., and Homayoun, H., “Enabling Micro AI for Securing Edge Devices at Hardware Level,” IEEE J. Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS), 2021.
- Wang, H., Salehi, S., Sayadi, H., Sasan, A., Mohsenin, T., Manoj, S., Rafatirad, S., and Homayoun, H., “Adaptive Performance Modeling of Data-Intensive Workloads for Resource Provisioning in Virtualized Environment,” Proc. IEEE 3rd Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS), 2021.
Dr. Ga-young Kelly Suh
- Blofield, A., Cortes, J., Suh, G.Y., “Design and Simulation of a Novel Series Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD),” Annual Biomedical Research Conf. for Minority Students, Nov. 2021.
- Bondesson J., Suh, G.Y., Marks, N., Dake, M.D., Lee, J.T., Cheng, C.P., “Influence of Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair on True Lumen Helical Morphology for Stanford Type B Dissections” J. of Vascular Surgery, 2021.
- Momijian, A., Zhu, Y., Suh, G.Y., Donnay, C., Yee, A., Ng, K., Fan, A., “Modeling of Cerebral Vessels from Time of Flight MRI with Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease,” Biomedical Engineering Society, Oct. 2021.
- Pelton, A.R., Nagaraja, S., Suh, G.Y., Saffari, P., Ulmer, J., “Review and Analysis of Nitinol TAVR Devices,” European Symposium on Vascular Biomaterials, Oct. 2021.
- Sarhaya, K., Arnold, C., Suh, G.Y., “Application of 3D Printed Patient-Specific Models for Optimal Treatment of Carotid Arterial Diseases,” Annual Biomedical Research Conf. for Minority Students, Nov. 2021.
- Suh G.Y., Bondesson J., Kim J.J., Zhu Y.D., Lee J.T., Dake M.D., and Cheng, C.P., “Multiaxial Pulsatile Dynamics of the Thoracic Aorta and Impact of Thoracic Endovascular Repair,” European J. Radiology Open, 2021;8: 100333
- Tran K., Suh, G.Y., Mougin, J., Haulon S., and Cheng, C.P., “Respiratory-Induced Changes in Reno-Visceral Branch Vessel Morphology Following Fenestrated Thoraco-abdominal Aneurysm Repair with the BeGraft Balloon Expandable Covered Stent,” J. Vascular Surgery, 2021.
- Ullery B., Suh G.Y., Thompson P., Lee J.T., Holden A., Dalman R.L., and Cheng, C.P., “Impact of Renal Chimney Intra-Aortic Stent Length on Branch and End-Stent Angle in Chimney Endovacular Aneurysm Repair and Endovascular Aneurysm Sealing Configurations,” Vascular, online print, Dec. 2021.
- Rahai, H.R., Bonifacio, J., and Taherian, S., “System and Method for Reducing NOx Emissions of Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE),” patent no. 11,131,278, 9-28-2021.
Dr. Vesna Terzic
- Terzic, V. and Villanueva, P.K., “Method for Probabilistic Evaluation of Post-Earthquake Functionality of Building Systems,” Engineering Structures, 241(15), 2021.
- Terzic, V., Villanueva, P.K., Saldana, D., and Dong, D.Y., “Framework for Modelling Post-Earthquake Functional Recovery of Buildings,” Engineering Structures 246(8), 2021.
- Terzic, V., Kolozvari, K., Naeim, F. “Towards Resilient Seismic Design of Structures,” Proc. of the 9th Turkish Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Turkey, 2021.
- Terzic, V., Villanueva, P.K., Saldana, D., and Yoo, D.Y., “F-Rec Framework: Novel Framework for Probabilistic Evaluation of Functional Recovery of Building Systems,” PEER Report 2021/06, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, UC Berkeley, 2021.
- Terzic, V. and Pasco, W.A., “Novel Method for Probabilistic Evaluation of the Post-Earthquake Functionality of a Bridge,” Report MTI 1916, Mineta Transportation Institute, CA, 2021.
- Terzic, V., Gillengerten, J., Saldana, D., Kumawat, N., Villanueva, P.K., Chrupalo, T., Bonneville, D.R., Hortacsu, A., “FEMA P-58: Performance Estimation Tool as a Design Aid,” 17th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Japan, 2021.
- Terzic, V. and Mahin, S. “Using PBEE to Assess and Improve Performance of Structural Systems for Low-Rise Steel Buildings,” 17th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Japan, 2021.
Dr. Jelena Trajkovic
- Asgari, S., Trajkovic, J., Rahmani, M., Zhang, W., Lo, R.C., Sciortino, A., “An Observational Study of Engineering Online Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Plos One, vol. 16, issue 4, April 2021.
- Trajkovic, J. “Impact of Flipped Labs and Lectures on Student Outcomes During the Pandemic for a Lower Division Computer Engineering Course, 2021 ASEE Pacific Southwest Conf. - 'Pushing Past Pandemic Pedagogy: Learning from Disruption.
Dr. Hailu Xu
- Ek, S., Curci, M., Yang, X., Lin, B., Liu, P., Xu, H., “Sentiment Analysis of Long-term Social Data during the COVID-19 Pandemic,’ 22nd Int'l Conf. on Internet Computing and Internet of Things, July 26-29, Las Vegas, USA.
- Westby, I., Yang, X., Liu, T., Xu, H., “FPGA Acceleration on a Multi-layer Perceptron Neural Network for Digit Recognition,” J. Supercomputing, pp. 1-18, 2021.
- Xu, H., Curci, M., Ek, S., Liu, P., Li, Z., Xu, S., “COS2: Detecting Large-scale COVID-19 Misinformation in Social Networks,” 2021 Intl. Conf. on Cloud Computing (CLOUD). Dec, 2021.
- Ali, I., Yeh, H.-G., Yang, Y., “Improvement of Performance of K-Nearest Neighbors Used to Classify Sharks into Behaviors,” Proc. IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conf., Nov. 2021.
- Buchholz, M., Zhang, W., Meese, E.N., Yang, Y., Lowe, C.G., and Yeh, H.-G., “Recurrent Attentive Kernel Learning for Shark Activity Recognition,” in Proc. 7th Workshop on Mining and Learning from Time Series (MiLeTS), Aug. 2021.
- Nguyen, R., Yang, Y., Tohmeh, A., and Yeh, H.-G., “Predicting PV Power Generation using SVM Regression,” Proc. IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conf., Nov. 2021.
- Perez, A., Yang, Y., "Offset-free ARX-based Adaptive Model Predictive Control Applied to a Nonlinear Process,” ISA Transactions, 2021.
- Yang, Y., Yeh, H.-G., and Tran, K., “Cooperative Volt-Ampere Reactive Control for a PV-enabled Distribution Network with Abnormally High Power Loads,” IEEE Systems J., vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 5714-5723, Dec 2021.
- Yang, Y., Yeh, H.-G., Zhang, W., Lee, C., Meese, E.N., and Lowe, C.G., “Feature Extraction, Selection and K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for Shark Behavior Classification Using Imbalanced Dataset,” IEEE Sensors J., vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 6429-6439, March 2021.
- Zhang, W., Chen, X., Bhadani, D., Rex, P., Yang, Y., Lowe, C., and Yeh, H.-G., “Deep Learning for Shark Detection Tasks,” in Proc. IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conf., Nov. 2021. (Best Paper Award)
- Ali, I., Yeh, H.-G., Yang, Y., “Improvement of Performance of K-Nearest Neighbors Used to Classify Sharks into Behaviors,” Proc. IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conf., Nov. 2021.
- Buchholz, M., Zhang, W., Meese, E.N., Yang, Y., Lowe, C.G., and Yeh, H.-G., “Recurrent Attentive Kernel Learning for Shark Activity Recognition,” in Proc. 7th Workshop on Mining and Learning from Time Series (MiLeTS), Aug. 2021.
- Densmore, A., and Yeh, H.-G., “Necessity Brings Out a Welcomed Laboratory Change,” Proc. American Society for Engineering Education, PSW 2021 Conf., April 2021.
- Doan, S., Kwon, S., and Yeh, H.-G., “Achievable Capacity of Multi-Polarization MIMO with the Practical Polarization-agile Antennas,” IEEE Systems J., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 3081-3092, June 2021.
- Haghighian, S.K., Talebi, M., Rahimi, T., and Yeh, H.-G., “Optimal Management of Active and Reactive Power of Smart Inverters of Solar Units to Prevent Overvoltage,” Proc. IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conf., Nov. 2021.
- Haghighian, S.K., Yeh, H.-G., Rahimi, T., “Analysis of Wind Generator Contribution on Load Frequency Control Considering Control Signals Delays,” Proc. 7th Iran Wind Energy Conf. (IWEC2021), May 2021.
- Nguyen, R., Yang, Y., Tohmeh, A., and Yeh, H.-G., “Predicting PV Power Generation using SVM Regression,” Proc. IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conf., Nov. 2021.
- Tehrani, A.F., Yeh, H.-G., and Kwon, S., “BER Performance of Space-Time Parallel ICI Cancellation of OFDM in MIMO Power Line Communications,” IEEE Systems J., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1742-1752, June 2021.
- Tran, D.H. and Yeh, H.-G., “Smooth Transition from Face-to-Face to Fully Online Classes,” Proc. 2021 AESS Pacific South-West Section (PSW), April 2021.
- Yang, Y., Yeh, H.-G., and Tran, K., “Cooperative Volt-Ampere Reactive Control for a PV-enabled Distribution Network with Abnormally High Power Loads,” IEEE Systems J., vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 5714-5723, Dec 2021.
- Yang, Y., Yeh, H.-G., Zhang, W., Lee, C., Meese, E.N., and Lowe, C.G., “Feature Extraction, Selection and K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for Shark Behavior Classification Using Imbalanced Dataset,” IEEE Sensors J., vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 6429-6439, March 2021.
- Yeh, H.-G. and Chang, D., “Green Communication Systems in IOT-Enabled Smart Cities via Wavefront Multiplexing Schemes,” Proc. IEEE WF-IoT, July 2021.
- Yeh, H.-G. and Chang, D., “Multi Base Stations to Multi Mobile Units: Green Communication Systems via A Wavefront Multiplexing Technique,” Proc. IEEE Intl Systems, April 2021.
- Yeh, H.-G. and Zhou, J., “BER Performance of Pre-coded Space-Time Conjugate Two-Path OFDM Systems,” Proc. Wireless Telecommunications Symp., April 2021.
- Yeh, H.-G. and Zhou, J., “Design Switchable Precoded Space-Time Parallel Two-Path OFDM Systems,” Proc. Wireless Telecommunications Symp., April, 2021.
- Zhang, W., Chen, X., Bhadani, D., Rex, P., Yang, Y., Lowe, C., and Yeh, H.-G., “Deep Learning for Shark Detection Tasks,” in Proc. IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conf., Nov. 2021. (Best Paper Award)
- Zhou, J. and Yeh, H.-G., “From Advanced Digital Signal Processing to Machine Learning, in Proc. Frontiers in Education,” NE, Oct. 2021.
Dr. Wenlu Zhang
- Asgari, S., Trajkovic, J., Rahmani, M., Zhang, W., Lo, R.C., Sciortino, A., “An Observational Study of Engineering Online Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Plos One, vol. 16, issue 4, April 2021.
- Buchholz, M., Zhang, W., Meese, E.N., Yang, Y., Lowe, C.G., and Yeh, H.-G., “Recurrent Attentive Kernel Learning for Shark Activity Recognition,” in Proc. 7th Workshop on Mining and Learning from Time Series (MiLeTS), Aug. 2021.
- Ho, S., Zhang, W., Young, W., Buchholz, M., Al Jufout, S., Dajani, K., Bian, L., Mozumdar, M., “DLAM: Deep Learning Based Real-Time Porosity Prediction for Additive Manufacturing Using Thermal Images of the Melt Pool,” IEEE Access 9, pp. 115100-115114, 2021.
- Young, W., Ho, S., Al-Jufout, S., Mozumdar, M., Buchholz, M., Zhang, W., and Dajani, K., “Real-time Porosity Prediction for Metal Additive Manufacturing using Convolutional Neural Networks,” TechConnect World Innovation Conf. and Expo, Washington, D.C., pp. 1-2, 2021.
- Yang, Y., Yeh, H.-G., Zhang, W., Lee, C., Meese, E.N., and Lowe, C.G., “Feature Extraction, Selection and K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for Shark Behavior Classification Using Imbalanced Dataset,” IEEE Sensors J., vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 6429-6439, March 2021.
- Zhang, W., Chen, X., Bhadani, D., Rex, P., Yang, Y., Lowe, C., and Yeh, H.-G., “Deep Learning for Shark Detection Tasks,” in Proc. IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conf., Nov. 2021. (Best Paper Award)
- Zhang, W., Li, L., Cheong, V., Fu, B., and Aliasgari, M., “Deep Encoder-Decoder Neural Networks for Retinal Blood Vessel Dense Prediction.” Intl. J. Computational Intelligence Systems 14 (1), pp. 1078-1086, 2021.