University Research
Faculty Stipend Information Session

Each fall, faculty are invited to attend an information session to discuss ways to enhance the teaching of ethics at CSULB. Faculty can also learn about our pedagogical and research stipend application process at the online event.
Faculty Ethics Research Stipends
In 2014, the Ukleja Center began offering $5,000 grants to support faculty ethics research and contributions to the body of knowledge in disciplinary and interdisciplinary ethics. CSULB faculty members are invited to apply for research stipends each spring and proposals are due by March 1.
Recent stipends are supporting the following research endeavors:

Cheating and Ethics in Junior Tennis: Why Do Junior Tennis Players Cheat? (Dr. Youngok Jung)
A Six-Session Pilot Intervention to Address Racism in Sport and Empower Athlete Activism (Dr. Leilani Madrigal)