Legal Resource Center News

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Jojo’s Act Effective January 1, 2020

California state law SB 1127 “Jojo’s Act,” proposed by Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo), allows California schools to decide if a parent or guardian can administer medical cannabis to their child at school. Jojo’s Act was named after a high school student name Jojo, who suffered up to 50 seizures a day, and was able to control it with medical cannabis. Unable to medicate at school, his mother had to remove him from school grounds to administer his medication. The existing law in effect…
California Employee Training Mandate for Workplace Sexual Harassment

New California Employee Training Mandate for Workplace Sexual Harassment

In October 2018, the bill, SB 1343, was signed by California Governor Jerry Brown. The new law concerns California’s sexual harassment training requirements. SB 1343 requires any employer with at least five employees must provide at least two hours of sexual harassment prevention training to all supervisory employees and at least one hour of training for all non-supervisory employees within six months of their assumption. The training also must be provided once every two years. The bill was…
Circus Abuse Elephant reaching for a peanut Chained up

Elephants and exotic animals banned from the circus

As of January 1, 2020, new legislation has passed that prohibits the use of exotic animals in circuses within California. The only animals which are allowed to be used as of now are domestic animals, such as dogs, cats, and horses. This means that the days of viewing theatrics involving bears, monkeys, tigers, elephants and other staples of the circus have come to an end. Legislation SB 313 was sponsored by PETA and Social Compassion, who contributed by aiding in research, collecting expert…
California State Beaches 2020 beach with chairs to sit

No Smoking or Vaping on California State Beaches 2020

A recently passed law referred to as Senate Bill No. 8 came into effect on January 1, 2020. The law bans smoking of a cigar, a cigarette, or a synthetic smoking device on any state beach and any state beach in California; the law also bans the disposal of any of the previously listed items on any state beach or park as well. Any infraction to this law will result in a fine of $25 and is considered a new crime under the law. Outlined in the law, the crime cannot be enforced by park officials…