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California Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act

Senate Bill No. 1249, also known as the California Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act, states that it is “unlawful for a manufacturer to import for profit, sell, or offer for sale in the state of California, any cosmetic, if the cosmetic was developed or manufactured using an animal test that was conducted or contracted by the manufacturer, or any supplier of the manufacturer, on or after January 1, 2020”. The definition of “animal test” is the internal or external application of a cosmetic, either in…
child swings Photo by Charles Rondeau

Child Abuse and Child Further Defined Under New Law

Senate Bill 436 is an amendment to the currently existing Welfare and Institutions Code in California that pertains to child abuse. Section 18951 of this code has been amended to include the definition of a “child” to be persons under the age of 18 years old, and also defines “child abuse” as situations in which a child is subjected to serious physical injury by any other means besides accidental, sexual abuse, harmful and purposeful neglect or malnutrition, denial of necessary physical health…
COB Building

New Law Mandates Lactation Accommodations

SB 142 was signed into law by Governor Newsom this year requiring employers to provide appropriate lactation accommodations to employees. The bill was originally championed by Senator Scott Wiener and Assembly member Lorena Gonzalez. Previously, California already required employers to provide breaks for mothers, but many complained of the horrible break space employers provided. Mothers said they were refined to bathroom stalls or closets. Employers who do not meet the specific “adequate space…
State of California logos

New California Laws 2020 (.pdf)