Legal Resource Center News

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Doctor Health Care COB 2020

Mandatory Health Insurance for All Californians

The new state law is mandatory health insurance for all legal citizens of California. Effective January 1, 2020, this new law states that it is mandatory for Californians to have health insurance from 2020 forward. Proposed by state officials, this law is only reviving the requirement that if Californians do not get the health insurance they will be faced with penalties in the next year, 2021. A single uninsured California adult could receive a charge from the state of $695 or pay 2.5% of their…
COB Natural Hair Act

New CROWN Act : Open Workplace for Natural Hair

Create a Respectful and Open Workplace for Natural Hair: New CROWN Act. California became the first state to ban racial discrimination based on hairstyles as Governor Gavin Newsom signed the Senate Bill 188, also known as the Creating a Respectful and Open Workplace for Natural Hair (CROWN) Act, on July 3, 2019. The CROWN Act recently became effective on January 1, 2020, in California. The purpose of the CROWN Act is to expand the definition of race to traits that are historically associated…
COB 2020 Transgender Flag

New Protection for Transgender Youth

AB 2119 bill gives the right to transgender youth in foster care to access medical services, including counseling, hormone therapy, and surgery; also other services such as dental and vision. Assembly Bill 2119 was proposed by Todd Gloria, who claimed that this will “empower transgender foster youth to live authentically and simply be themselves.” This new law will give transgender youths in California the right to access healthcare, which is a basic human right that many in the past did not…
COB Wedding people getting married 2020

Election of Domestic Partners for Heterosexual Partners

Effective January 1, 2020, the state of California Senate Bill No. 30, Election of Domestic Partners, removes another constraint for couples becoming Registered Domestic Partners. This law was proposed by Scott Wiener and approved by Governor Newsom on July 30, 2019. SB 30 gives heterosexual couples the choice to become registered domestic partners under California state law. This law amends several sections from the Family Code primarily dealing with adding heterosexual couples to sections…