Assurance of Learning @ COB
Assurance of Learning (AOL) is one of the most important standards required by AACSB.
Standard 5: The school uses well-documented assurance of learning (AoL) processes that include direct and indirect measures for ensuring the quality of all degree programs that are deemed in scope for accreditation purposes. The results of the school’s AoL work lead to curricular and process improvements.
AOL Guidelines Assessment Report Guidelines AOL 2019-2023 (PDF)
COB Competency Goals
To meet 2020 AACSB Standards, active participation from departments and faculty is crucial. Based on COB’s 2019 PRT’s consultative recommendations, COB established a new committee to ensure a more cohesive Assurance of Learning process. The Dean consulted with the Administrative Council and Faculty Council, leading to the appointment of the Assurance of Learning Taskforce (ALTF). ALTF includes representation from each department and is tasked with enhancing COB’s AoL process to align with the 2020 Standards.
The Office of Accreditation collaborates closely with ALTF to execute a well-designed and systematic assessment process. In principle, COB aims to assess each competency goal twice during 5-year review cycle. Per AACSB Interpretative Guidance (page 33), COB typically “closes the loop” at least once in their accreditation cycle for each competency goal. This process aims to generate a comprehensive portfolio of evidence that showcases COB’s efforts in identifying gaps in learning and taking steps to address discrepancies between student learning outcomes and AoL benchmarks. Through coordinated efforts, COB strives to continually improve pedagogical modalities to create a learner-centered educational environment.
Competency Table 1

(*Screen Reader Version Compliant Competency Table 1)
Assessment Plan and Results for Most Recently Completed Accreditation Cycle, Table 5-1