Summer Business Boot Camp

The College of Business, Center for Student Success will host a free, online Summer Business Boot Camp to help prepare students transitioning into upper-division business coursework. We specifically invite incoming transfer students and continuing CSULB students enrolled in 300  and 400-level core business classes. 

Please register for and participate in as many workshops as possible. Workshop descriptions and registration links can be found below. Information on each workshop facilitator is available at the bottom of this page.

To request disability-related accommodations for any boot camp workshops, please contact - 


All hours between 08:00 AM and 07:00 PM

July 29
July 30
July 31
August 1
August 2


2 Hours

Financial Accounting Lab: Accounting Success Workshop  

2 - 4 

4 - 6 


1.5 Hours

Microsoft Excel 


1 - 2:30 

1 - 2:30 

3:30 - 5 


1.5 Hours

Microsoft Power BI 

4:30 - 6 


1.5 Hours



11 -12:30 



2 Hours

Introduction / Refresh of Managerial Accounting - Terminology & Key Formulas 

4 -6 





2 Hours

Introduction / Refresh of Financial Accounting - Terminology & Financial Statements



10 - 12 



4 -6 



1 Hour

Financial Calculator 


9 -10 

4 - 5 

1 - 2 


1 Hour

Time Management

10 - 11 


10 - 11 



1 Hour

Making the Transition to Upper Division Coursework 


10 - 11 


10 - 11 


1 Hour

Strategies for a Successful Semester 


1 - 2


1 - 2 


1.5 Hours

GWAR Workshop 

10 -11:30 



10 -11:30 




1.5 Hours

Learning about BMAC! 



11 -12 




1.5 Hours

Ability Ally Program 



2 - 3:30 



1.5 Hours

Information Literacy Launchpad 10:30 - 12 

10:30 - 12


1.5 Hours

Data Analysis Fundamentals 

10:30 - 12

2 - 3:30


1.5 Hours

AI Literacy and Critical Thinking  

2 - 3:30


10:30 - 12



1 Hour

Internship & Job Search Strategies


12 - 1 


2 - 3 


9 - 10 



1 Hour

Python-Ocean of Possibilities  


5 - 6 



6 - 7 



5 - 6 



1 Hour

College 101 








2 - 3 



2 Hours

Business Statistics Introductory Workshop 


9:30 -11:30 


2 Hours

2 - 4 


2 - 4:00 



1 Hour

Financial Literacy for All



1 - 2 


1 - 2 

 1 HourSupply Chain Management Workshop 

4:30 - 5:30

4:30 - 5:30



Workshops and Registration

Workshop Facilitator: Sabrina Landa,  Accountancy Department

This workshop will help you refresh your knowledge of financial accounting and provide insight into the related topics covered in Intermediate Accounting. A thorough review of the accounting cycle including the recording process, financial statement preparation and closing entries is covered using an interactive business case. In addition, you will receive critical study tips from peers and professors to help you to prepare to complete your degree in accounting. Finally, you’ll learn about the valuable support network the College of Business provides including free tutoring, career development and campus organizations like the Accounting Society, Beta Alpha Psi, and ALPFA to help you jump start your accounting career. Be prepared to engage in activities that will help you succeed.

Workshop Facilitator: Sabrina Landa, Accountancy Department

Microsoft Excel is a robust tool useful for data maintenance and analysis. The goal of this workshop is to provide students with an overview of Excel functionality toward improving the quality of learning in your master’s program. Excel can be paired with most all coursework to enhance deliverables and prepare you for the challenges of today’s data-driven work environment.

Be prepared to learn how knowledge of Excel can improve your learning experience and set you up for success in the industry. Additional free resources will be provided upon completion to help you master Excel. Students can install Excel (Microsoft Office 365) free of cost through the CSULB Software Depot. Registered participants will be emailed regarding any additional system requirements for this workshop.

Workshop Facilitator: Sabrina Landa, Accountancy Department

Business Analytics and creative visualizations are changing the way we communicate data across organizations. This workshop will provide you with a hands-on overview of how to use Microsoft Power BI to your advantage while working with multiple sources of data. We will cover basics such as data exploration and analysis, reporting, visualization dashboards, and DAX query language. Be prepared to learn how knowledge in data analytics can help boost your career.

Additional free resources will be provided to help master Power BI. Mac users may need to install Windows to run Power BI for this workshop. Registered participants will be emailed regarding the system requirements for this workshop.

Workshop Facilitator: Sabrina Landa, Accountancy Department

Tableau is a well-known business intelligence system that works across PC and Mac systems helping organizations get the most out of their data. This workshop will provide you with a hands-on overview of how to use Tableau to your advantage while working with multiple sources of data. We will cover basics such as data exploration, analysis, reporting, visualization dashboards, and calculations. Be prepared to learn how knowledge in data analytics can help boost your career.

Additional free resources will be provided to help you master Tableau. Registered participants will be emailed regarding the system requirements for this workshop.

Workshop Facilitator: Lisa Smith-Jones, Accountancy Department

Looking to get a head start for ACCT 202, and/or hoping for a refresher before starting ACCT 320 this class is for you! This class will start with an overview of managerial accounting and the main differences with financial accounting. Managerial accounting key terminology and accounting mechanics related to job order and process costing, cost-volume-profit analysis (high-low method, contribution margin & breakeven), incremental analysis (make or buy), pricing approaches, budgeting approaches, standard costing analysis (variances), and present value/future value calculations … will also be discussed using everyday language and examples to ensure your comprehension and retention. 

Workshop Facilitator: Lisa Smith-Jones, Accountancy Department

Looking to get a head start for ACCT 201, and/or hoping for a refresher before starting ACCT 300A, this class is for you! This class will discuss the rules of US GAAP, the basic financials statements (format and what you can expect to learn from them), key terminology, and accounting mechanics related to bank reconciliations, depreciation methods, inventory cost flow assumptions, and other relevant topics… using everyday language and examples to ensure your comprehension and retention. 

Workshop Facilitator: Yong Kim, Finance Department

This workshop will introduce the financial calculator and how it will be utilized in finance courses. The instructor will demonstrate how to use the calculator for the time value of money and cash flow problems. Students will learn to identify givens and parameters in a problem and use this information to solve for a variable on the financial calculator.

The following calculators will be used during this workshop (we recommend reviewing your FIN 300 syllabus to confirm which calculator your professor prefers):

Workshop Facilitator: Eliana Wong, Academic Coach

Students will examine the three perspectives of time (Big picture, Weekly Routine, Daily to-do) and discuss/practice/be exposed to ways of managing time via each lens. Students will apply PLRS Learning Cycle to time management strategies discussed.

In this workshop, participants will explore strategies for managing their time effectively.  Approaches will focus on helping students create balance in their lives to reduce stress, promote wellness, and encourage efficient learning.  Students will be introduced to a learning system that improves retention and recall of information.

Workshop Facilitator: Eliana Wong, Academic Coach

Student will compare and contrast differences between upper division and lower division coursework and predict how those differences apply to Bloom’s Taxonomy/ learning expectations in upper division course work. Students will design appropriate study strategies for course load.

In this workshop you will explore the differences between lower and upper division courses as it relates to learning and studying techniques. Students will learn study strategies for managing the increased expectations and workload in upper division course work along with tips on how to apply what you learn in lecture to real-world experience.

Workshop Facilitator:  Eliana Wong, Academic Coach

This workshop will introduce you to strategies that will help you connect with your professors, fellow students, and campus resources.  We will explore best practices in e-mail communication, how to use the campus’ online learning platforms, and resources that are available to students (online and in-person) to help students successfully manage their transition to CSULB.  

Workshop Facilitator: Lorena Chavez - University Writing Center

The GWAR/GPE workshop is a 1.5 hour-long presentation that will give you a short overview of what the GWAR is, but most importantly, will focus on how to read the prompt samples, how to break down the prompt/main question, teach you to brainstorm and outline, and provide lots more helpful writing tips. 

Workshop Facilitators: Austin Soto, Cheetah Chin 

The BMAC Accommodations & Retention Counselor team will be presenting BMAC services such as programs and resources available to students.

Workshop Facilitator: Austin Soto, Cheetah Chin 

Participants will receive an overview of BMAC services and engage in conversations about disability, diversity, and how we can support these intersecting identities while fostering an equitable campus community.

Workshop Facilitator: Nicollette Brant - Senior Assistant Librarian

  • Monday, July 29 from 10:30 AM - 12 PM - Register
  • Wednesday, July 31 from 10:30 AM - 12 PM - Register

    Have you come across terms like ‘evidence-based’ and ‘data-driven’? These concepts are essential for COB students, where your assignments and research will challenge you to devise creative, actionable solutions to complex business issues. This workshop serves as your launchpad to information literacy, teaching you how to locate and leverage financial, industry, market, and economic information in your coursework.

Workshop Facilitator: Nicollette Brant - Senior Assistant Librarian

Deriving and communicating meaning from data is important in business decision-making. This workshop introduces foundational techniques for locating, analyzing, and visualizing business data. It will also emphasize best practices for evaluating data quality and presenting information ethically to prepare you for your coursework and future business challenges.

Workshop Facilitator:  Nicollette Brant - Senior Assistant Librarian

AI has transformed both the education and business landscapes, creating new opportunities and ethical challenges. In this workshop, you will explore how information literacy skills can be applied to effectively assess and utilize AI resources.

Workshop Facilitator: Angelita Carrillo-Humphreys, Career Counselor

This workshop will teach you how to use CareerLINK, CareerShift, and other resources to find jobs and internships. You will also learn about Career Development Center services and how we can prepare you for success in reaching your career goals.

Workshop Facilitator: Jaimin Vyas- CS Graduate and Software Developer

This workshop dives into the world of programming! Designed for Business students, this hands-on session will demystify Python's basics, from syntax to data types. You'll learn to write code confidently and tackle real-world challenges. No prior experience needed! Covering topics like variables, control flow, functions, and data structures, you'll gain the foundational skills to start coding in Python. Don't miss this opportunity to kickstart your journey into programming with Python!

Facilitator: Banafsheh Behzad, Information Systems Department

This workshop serves as an introduction to Business Statistics (IS 310). We will review the basics of the course and the fundamental topics.

Facilitator: Tori Saruwatari , Marisa Davalos,  Geo Castillo Lopez , Laura Carino- COB Advisors

Are you starting your first year of college? Are you the first in your family to attend college? 

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, join us for our COB College 101 workshop! This interactive workshop will provide you with essential support, tools, and resources to not just survive, but help you thrive in your first year @ CSULB and beyond. 


Facilitator: Mahtab Ghafoori Math Department 

The goal of this workshop is to provide you with tools on how to successfully complete Math 115 in your first semester at CSULB. In this workshop, I will give you a brief overview of Business Calculus (first few weeks of the semester topics), study strategies, and where to find academic help on campus during the semester.


Facilitator: Scott Moye, Phil Ramsdale, Frank Thompson, Jane Tierney, David Clifford - Private Sector


Facilitator: Laura Gonzalez, Finance Department

This workshop will cover a basic introduction to financial health and college success. We will discuss budgeting, investment and fintech options as well as behavioral finance basics.