Faculty Qualification

Faculty Qualification College of Business

Faculty are qualified through initial academic or professional preparation and sustain currency and relevancy appropriate to their classification, as follows: Scholarly Academic (SA), Practice Academic (PA), Scholarly Practitioner (SP), or Instructional Practitioner (IP). Otherwise, faculty members are classified as Additional Faculty (A). (AACSB Guiding Principles and Standards, 2022, Standard 3.2 p. 30).


Faculty Research Realtime reports: Note that Points are based on Journal Classification Rankings

EII Showcase

How to Update Faculty AACSB Records

Not all journals or events are equal in value and impact.  The COB committee ranks and commends Journals and other venues with weighted evaluations and points to reflect the impact and value of the media outlet. The ranking and publication database is maintained by AACSB staff as reported on demand below.