Poetry and Short Story Open Mic hosted by CSULB Comp Lit Club at the Kleefeld Contemporary Art Museum

Poetry and Short Story Open Mic hosted by CSULB Comp Lit Club at the Kleefeld Contemporary Art Museum

Tuesday, April 22, 12pm to 1pm, KCAM Main Gallery

Free and open to everyone. No RSVP required.


Join the Comp Lit Club at the Kleefeld Contemporary Art Museum for our Poetry and Short Story Open Mic event to listen to poems and short stories, or come to read to us yourself! Participants are welcome to bring a poem or a short story (500-word limit) to read during the program. You can bring your own work or share the writing of others who inspire you. You can also come just to listen and enjoy the program.


We will have a sign-up sheet available—the program will be first-come, first-served. Due to time constraints, we cannot guarantee that everyone will get the chance to read their contribution.