Career Profiles: Marketing
Marketing is concerned with planning, implementing and controlling efficient distribution systems for goods and services designed to satisfy chosen consumer segments. It involves the broad areas of product development, pricing, promotion, distribution management as carried out by producers, wholesalers and retailers. The types of marketing occupations are as diverse as the marketing field itself. Due to the growing size and complexity of domestic and international economics, marketing personnel often begin their careers in sales and then move into staff and/or management positions. Modern-day sales require smart, hardworking and sophisticated salespeople. Other marketing staff personnel are employed in such service and staff functions as advertising, product planning, marketing research, purchasing, and public relations. All entry-level, marketing positions can lead to marketing management positions such as sales manager, advertising manager, sales promotion director, and marketing research manager. Positions typically require a high level of creativity and attention to detail. Skills at personal planning and interacting with others are highly prized. Majors learn about marketing, communication, promotion strategies, consumer behavior, and retail concepts.

Career Possibilities:
Additional experience and/or education may be required
- Advertising Account Executive
- Brand Manager
- Import/Export Agent
- Insurance Agent
- Manager Trainee
- Market Research Analyst
- Purchasing Agent
- Public Relations Specialist
- Radio/TV Time Salesperson
- Retail Buyer
- Retail Merchandising Manager
- Sales Manager
- Sales Representative

Where Employed:
- Advertising/public relations agencies
- Banks and financial institutions
- Computer companies
- Hospitals
- Insurance companies
- Large retailers
- Market research firms
- Nonprofit organizations
- Pharmaceutical companies
- Real estate development companies
- Stock/securities brokers

Career Research Resources:
- Career exploration, exclusive jobs & internships for CSULB students can be found on CareerLINK
- Guide to career information on Occupational Outlook Handbook
- Career exploration and job analysis - O*Net Online

CSULB College and Department Links:
- College website: College of Business
- Academic Advising: Undergraduate Advising Resources
- CSULB Degrees & Options: Colleges & Departments