Career Profiles: Biology
Biology is concerned with the study of the origin, growth, reproduction, and structure of all living matter. Biology is a science of observation, experimentation, and applications. Biology majors may enter specialized or general careers in the life sciences, and typically find themselves involved in research, teaching, management and administration. A bachelor's degree is usually the minimum requirement for entry into the field of biology. It is becoming increasingly important for graduates to seek an advanced degree or specialized training, research, analyze data, have good written and oral communication skills and have a natural curiosity about living things. The study of biology is also considered one of the pre-professional programs for the preparation for careers as a physician, dentist, or veterinarian.

Career Possibilities:
Additional experience and/or education may be required
- Animal Health Technologist
- Aquarium Exhibit Coordinator
- Arborist
- Bacteriologist
- Bioinformatics Scientist
- Biological Aide
- Biological Illustrator
- Biologist Technician
- Biomedical Engineer
- Carbon Trader
- Cardiovascular Technician
- Cave Biologist
- Conservation Scientist
- Consumer Products Research Scientist
- Criminologist
- Environmental Science Technician
- Fish and Game Warden
- Food Science Technician
- Forensic Scientist
- Forester & Conservation Scientist
- Genetic Counseling
- Health Planner
- Horticulturist
- Hospital Medical Assistant
- Laboratory Technician
- Medical Librarian
- Medical Technologist
- Nuclear Medicine Technologist Paleontologist
- Pharmaceutical Sales
- Plant Breeding Technologist
- Professor
- Research Assistant
- Research Associate
- Research Scientist
- Respiratory Therapist
- Teacher Primary/Secondary
- Sanitarian
- Veterinary Technologist
- Water Conservation Specialist

Where Employed:
- Agricultural Industry
- Aquariums
- Biotechnology companies
- Botanical Parks
- Broadcast companies
- Conservation society
- Crime & Forensic Labs
- Departments of recreation
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Food and chemical manufacturers
- Government agencies
- Hospitals and clinics
- Industry Laboratories
- Manufacturers
- Medical laboratories
- Medical research labs
- Military services
- Museums
- National and state parks
- National Science Foundation
- Park Districts
- Petroleum industry
- Pharmaceutical Companies
- Primary and Secondary Schools
- Private Research Foundations
- Public Health Departments
- Public Utilities
- Research and development firms
- Sanitation Districts
- Sports clubs and health spas
- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
- Zoos

Career Research Resources:
- Career exploration, exclusive jobs & internships for CSULB students can be found on CareerLINK
- Guide to career information on Occupational Outlook Handbook
- Career exploration and job analysis - O*Net Online

CSULB College and Department Links:
- College website: College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- Academic Advising: Undergraduate Advising Resources
- CSULB Degrees & Options: Colleges & Departments