BUILD GMs of the Month: March 2019
Published March 15, 2019
Each month we'll highlight a couple of the BUILD Graduate Mentors so that you can get to know them better.
Salena Soria

Master's Program: M.S. Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Hometown: Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.
Research Interests: Stress in the workforce, erasing toxic supervisors, monitoring and evaluation of programs
Personal Interests: DIY crafts/pampering products, baking, reading
Quotes to Live By: “The scariest moment is always just before you start.” ~ Stephen King
Juan Garcia-Salinas

Master's Program: Civil Engineering, emphasis – Geotechnical Engineering
Hometown: Los Angeles, Calif.
Research Interests: Deep excavations, settlement, and pile group effects
Personal Interests: Roller coasters and watching movies
Quote to Live By: “Never give up”