University Library News

Love Data Week 2023 February 13-17

Who doesn't love data? Learn more about Love Data Week and and come make valentines in the library.

Welcome to the Library!

Click to see the library building's hours.

Finals Extended Hours

December 4-16 | Sun-Thurs 7am – 2am | Fri 8am-5pm | Sat 10am-4pm

Pillars of Participation

Read more about the pillars in the library, where library users are sharing their answers!

Late Opening Due to Long Beach Marathon October 9

The library will open late on Sunday, October 9, due to the route of the Long Beach Marathon blocking roads on campus. Library Hours LB Marathon (including course map)

Federally-Funded Research Must Avoid Paywalls per Biden Order

A recent memorandum from the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), part of the Executive Office of the President, requires federal agencies to revise their policies so that publications and data from federally funded research are freely and publicly accessible without an embargo at time of publication.