Science Education News

CSULB Physics features in the 5+ Club, again!

The collaboration between the Physics & Astronomy and Science Education departments has continued to garner success in credentialing multiple teachers in Physics in a single cohort.

Two Department Faculty Awarded 2022 California Teacher of the Year

Excellence in Science Teaching…times two! Faculty members Al Colburn and Angelica Gunderson honored as 2022 California Teacher of the Year.

Letter from the Chair - Fall 2022

Welcome back to campus! As I returned to the CSULB campus this past August, I found myself energized by the crowds of students (and staff and faculty) making their way across campus. I think the exhilaration that I felt that late summer morning was more about the idea that we had made it back, had returned to something approximating the normal routines of…

Tamara Araya Wins Local PhysTEC Teacher of the Year!

Shout-out to Tamara Araya, the local PhysTEC Teacher of the Year!

Celebrating our Award-Winning Science Education Alums!

Our Science Education alumni have been busy!

Angelica Gunderson Received $25k Milken Educator Award

Angelica Gunderson, a CSU Long Beach graduate and professor, received a $25,000 national Milken Educator Award on May 10, 2022. The Milken Educator Awards was conceived by Lowell Milken to celebrate, elevate, and activate the teaching profession.