First-Time, First-Year Student Admission Eligibility
CSULB accepts applications from entering first-time, first-year students (freshmen) each year from October 1 through December 2 for admission to the following fall semester. We receive applications from thousands of highly qualified applicants each year. First-time, first-year applicants must meet minimum CSULB eligibility requirements below to be considered. Students may only be considered for one application per academic year.
Get started by reviewing the admission criteria below, and then find out how to apply.
You can apply to CSULB as a first-time, first-year student (freshman) if you have:
- not yet graduated high school, but are on track to graduate with a high school diploma by the spring term prior to fall enrollment.
- graduated high school, but have not taken college courses beyond the summer after graduation.
To be considered for first-time, first-year admission to CSULB, you must meet the following minimum requirements:
- Complete each of the courses in the comprehensive pattern of college preparatory subject requirements with a grade of C or higher prior to high school graduation.
- Graduate from high school by the end of the spring term prior to fall enrollment.
- Have a minimum CSULB Index to be considered. The CSULB Index is the result of a formula that combines your achievement in high school college preparatory courses. Refer to CSULB Index for details of how this index is calculated.
The minimum CSULB Index to be considered CSULB first-time, first-year admission:
- Graduates of California high schools and other California residents:
- 2.5 GPA or greater in college preparatory subjects per CSU minimum requirements
- 3,200 minimum CSULB Index for non-STEM majors
- 3,600 minimum STEM Index for STEM majors (this is higher than the minimum for CSU systemwide eligibility)
- Other non-California residents:
- 3.0 GPA or greater in college preparatory subjects per CSU minimum requirements
- 3,500 minimum CSULB Index for non-STEM majors
- 3,600 minimum STEM Index for STEM majors (this is higher than the minimum for CSU systemwide eligibility)
Applicants who meet the minimum CSULB criteria above will be considered based on their intended major.
- Applicants to Music and Dance:
Eligible Applicants will be admitted based on the faculty evaluation of an audition, auditions are mandatory.
Contact the Dance department or Music department for details of the audition process. - Applicants to Nursing:
Admission to Nursing will be to a Pre-Nursing status. Students must meet specific course and GPA milestones to remain in Pre-Nursing and must apply to the Nursing department to be considered for admission to the major at the junior level. CSULB strongly recommends that applicants to Nursing complete additional math courses beyond the minimum required for the CSU to improve the likelihood of success in the major and timely graduation. - Applicants to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Majors (STEM majors):
Applicants will be admitted based on a calculated STEM Eligibility Index. The STEM Eligibility Index places additional weight on quantitative skills required for success in these majors. Refer to STEM Index for details of how this index is calculated. Applicants who are considered local based on their high school of graduation or military status will be offered admission if they meet the minimum STEM Index. The minimum for consideration is 3,600. Local students who do not meet the 3,600 STEM Index, but have a 2.5 GPA or greater in college preparatory subjects and a 3,200 CSULB Index will be offered admission as undeclared majors.- Other eligible applicants will be ranked by the STEM Index and will be offered admission based on space available in the major or college. Admission to STEM majors will be to a pre-major status. Continuation in the major will be subject to meeting specific lower division course and GPA requirements at CSULB that indicate the student’s ability to succeed and complete the major.
- CSULB strongly recommends that applicants to STEM majors complete additional math courses beyond the minimum required for the CSU to improve the likelihood of success in the major and timely graduation.
- Applicants to other majors, including undeclared:
Applicants will be admitted based on the calculated CSULB Index used in establishing minimum CSULB eligibility above. Applicants who are considered local based on their high school of graduation or military status will be offered admission if they meet the minimum Eligibility Index required of the major. Other applicants will be ranked by the Eligibility Index and will be offered admission based on space available in the major or college. Admission to some majors will be to a pre-major status. Continuation in the major will be subject to meeting specific lower division courses and GPA requirements at CSULB that indicate the student’s ability to succeed and complete the major.
- Local Applicants:
Applicants who are considered local based on their high school of graduation or military status who meet the CSULB minimum eligibility requirements but are not admissible to the major will be offered admission as an undeclared student. Undeclared students will explore other appropriate majors through coursework and advising and must meet the major-specific criteria for the major prior to declaring a major by their junior year. Applicants should note that undeclared is not a route to their initial intended major. Undeclared students work with university advisors to identify and succeed in alternate majors.
The BEACH Pathways Program:
The mission of the Beach Pathways program is to support students who have demonstrated resilience and academic promise by serving as a pipeline to access CSULB admission and student support services.Beach Pathways provides supplemental admission consideration to CSULB eligible students outside of the local area. A limited number of applicants will be admitted based on community involvement & student leadership, overcoming adversity & personal growth, potential for academic success and degree completion.
- Other applicants:
Admission to CSULB is very competitive. As a result, many eligible applicants will not be offered admission. CSULB strongly recommends that all applicants have a backup plan.