Budget & Administration

The budget office is responsible for budget planning, administration, and reporting. Our office's mission is to:

  • Assist the University's leadership in creating the annual budget based on available resources, desired outcomes, and initiatives
  • Communicate timely and accurate information about the University's budget, reserves, and fiscal challenges
  • Provide expertise and leadership in the development, interpretation, evaluation, and implementation of systemwide and University strategic initiatives
  • Collaborate with members of the campus community to promote accountability, adherence to policy, and ensure budget solvency
  • Ensure transparency surrounding how the University responsibly and effectively allocates financial resources

Kara PerkinsAssociate Vice President, Budget and Administrationk.perkins@csulb.edu562.985.8831
Maria BajoBudget Directormaria.bajo@csulb.edu562.985.4799
Maria D'AloisioSenior Budget Analystmaria.daloisio@csulb.edu562.985.7782
Sonia WilmarthBudget Strategistsonia.wilmarth@csulb.edu562.985.5272
Dominique DupuyAdministrative Analystdominique.dupuy@csulb.edu562.985.7794

In compliance with ICSUAM 02002.00, the University shall conduct a variety of financial reviews of the University’s Operating Funds.  On a quarterly basis, the University shall produce an All-Funds Report that compares year-to-date budgeted and actual revenues/expenditures for budgeted funds and year-to-date fund balances for non-budgeted funds.  At mid-year, the University shall conduct the Financial Assessment process to solicit year-end projected revenues and expenditures from university divisions on a select group of University Operating funds.  In addition, the University shall conduct a University-Wide review of projected tuition & fee revenue based on enrollment and review year-end reserve balances per General Accounting and CSU policy guidelines.  

Budget Oversight


The university chief financial officer shall ensure that budget reviews occur during the fiscal year that compare budgeted and actual revenues and expenditures and take action to resolve any discrepancies.  Each university and the chancellor's office shall establish written policies and procedures that specify the minimum level and frequency of reviews to monitor budget performance.  Reviews to compare budgeted and actual revenues and expenditures for all CSU funds must be documented, occur at least once per quarter, and include any actions taken to resolve discrepancies.  Documentation shall describe any further research or analysis to be conducted, a resolution plan, as well as expected and final completion dates.  Budget review documentation shall be retained in accordance with university retention policies.

All Funds Reporting


The All-Funds Report was created as a comprehensive account of the University’s available resources.  The report includes available balances for all budgeted funds as well as fund balances for non-budgeted funds across all three business units (LBCMP, LB49R, LBFDN).  The report is to be generated with financial data through month-end September, December, and March.  In addition, the All-Funds Report will also be generated with fiscal year-end results of reserve and fund balances for all funds at June 30.  As the All-Funds Report is a comprehensive list of available resources for the University, including the CSU Operating Fund (GF001), it provides the available balances with a comparison of budgeted and actual revenues and expenditures on a quarterly basis.

All-Funds reports shall be generated and distributed to the University President and cabinet executives within 30 days of the close of the designated accounting period.

Financial Assessment Process


The Financial Assessment process will take place every year in January.  In order to compare spending levels to budget limits, the Budget Office will prepare financial assessment templates for CSU 485 and enterprise funds using information downloaded from Data Warehouse. Financial activity from Data Warehouse will include budgeted and actual revenue and expenditures as of December 31 for all divisions except for Athletics that prepares its own report across all sources that aligns with their NCAA reporting requirements. Department personnel will be asked to complete the template with projected revenue and expenditures for the remainder of the fiscal year to determine the magnitude of spending surpluses or deficits at June 30.  Projected spending surpluses will require no further action; however, projected spending deficits will yield additional steps to be taken in order to remain within approved budgetary limits.  Additional communication and meetings to be scheduled as needed to remedy any projected deficits.  Resolution of deficit situations should be resolved by May 31. 

Financial Assessment templates shall be generated and distributed to University personnel by the end of January.  Completed templates will be due back to the University Budget Office a month after distribution.

Revenue Projections & Resource Allocation


At the beginning of the fiscal year, total projected revenue from the state allocation plus tuition and fee sources is distributed to University units in the University Operating Fund (GF001) and applicable fee revenue funds.  The resources allocated to divisions includes the carryforward balance from the prior year.  After census is complete for the Fall semester, revenue collected in the first quarter will be reviewed to ensure the campus is on target to meet revenue projections.  If revenue collection falls well below revenue projections, a midyear adjustment with revised enrollment figures may be discussed with the President and the executive team in order to determine an appropriate response to the revenue shortfall. These resource allocations will be used by the budget office as a basis for the financial assessment at midyear.

Campus Designated Balances & Reserves Policy


Designated balances and reserves are an integral part of how CSU campuses manage operating activities and are held and utilized for designated purposes, as articulated by state law and CSU policy. Designated balances and reserves accumulate annually primarily from tuition, fees, and other revenues in excess of annual expenses. Designated balances and reserves do not include monies that are held on behalf of another entity, such as the federal government for student financial aid, or held pursuant to a bond indenture or other similar requirement.  The CSU policy on designated balances and reserves can be found in the CSU Policy Library.

Designated balances and reserves are maintained by each of the 23 campuses and the system office for CSU operating activities, which include student housing, campus parking, student unions, health facilities, university educational operating activities, among others. The CFO and Budget Office review all fund balances after year-end and determine the distribution of funds available by object code into designated balances and reserves. These designations are reported to the President and shared with Vice Presidents. 

Fiscal Year Timetable (Approximate)

Quarter 1 (July-September)

Campus Designated Balances & Reserves by Fund, reviewed by CFO and President (July)

Resource Allocation including Carryforward Balances provided to Divisions (August)

All-Funds Report as of June 30 provided to Executive Team after Auxiliary audits (September)

Budgets Posted in General Ledger (September)

Quarter 2 (October-December)

All-Funds Report as of September 30 provided to Executive Team (October)

Tuition & Fee Revenue Projection reviewed by CFO (October)

Quarter 3 (January-March)

All-Funds Report as of December 31 provided to Executive Team (January)

Financial Assessment Templates provided to Divisions (January)

Year-End Projections returned to Budget office for review and presentation to CFO (February)

Quarter 4 (April-June)

All-Funds Report as of March 31 provided to Executive Team (April)

Resource Planning Process (RPP) for following fiscal year (April/May)