Digital Textbooks
Digital textbooks or e-books are available at CSULB through our vendor partners. Depending on the e-book provider, you can view or download them onto your laptop or mobile device, or access them on the web. Providers allow access for a specific date range, usually 180 days. Features such as printing, taking notes, and highlighting are also dependent on the e-book provider.
Currently, there are three ways to check if your textbook is available in an e-book format:
CSULB Digital Bookstore Through Red Shelf
The CSULB Bookstore has partnered with Red Shelf to create our own digital bookstore. Visit to see if your textbook is available as an e-book. Search by title or ISBN.
E-book offerings through Red Shelf will also be listed on Beach Book Compare if available.
When you search for your books through the bookstore comparison website (, an e-book option will appear if it is available.
From Our Vendor Partner

From The Web

Through the Day One Digital Access (D1DA) Pilot Program
D1DA is a pilot program, through which you can get free access to the digital textbook on day one of classes. Free access is available through BeachBoard, and students will be prompted to opt-in and pay if they would like to retain access by the add/drop deadline. Publishers have partnered with bookstores to provide these digital textbooks at a significantly reduced price compared to the national new book price.
As D1DA is a pilot program, there are currently one selected classes participating. Please check BeachBoard to see if your class is part of the D1DA program.