MBA Advisory Board Newsletter

May 2024

Director of Graduate Business Programs Dr. Rod Smith presented data about trends in graduate business programs and updates about number of applications and students enrolled at CSULB. View the full presentation: 

Image of Mentor Moy Patel


Mentor's Perspective- Moy Patel

How has mentoring in the Graduate Business Mentor Program impacted your own professional growth? Share a specific moment that stands out.

Mentoring in the Graduate Business Mentor Program has profoundly impacted my professional growth by honing my leadership skills and enriching my ability to nurture talent. A specific moment that stands out is when one of my mentees secured a highly competitive internship. We meticulously analyzed the courses and skills she needed to excel in her role, ensuring she stood out as an exceptional intern. Witnessing her success and knowing I contributed to her growth was incredibly rewarding and reinforced the value of mentorship in professional development.

In your view, what makes mentorship in this program uniquely valuable for both mentors and mentees? How has it enriched your understanding of MBA students' journeys?

The unique value of this mentorship program lies in the synergy between real-world experience and academic learning. It bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, showing students how their coursework directly impacts their professional lives. This program has enriched my understanding of MBA students' journeys by providing insight into their challenges and aspirations. It has highlighted the importance of education and real-world scenarios, ultimately preparing students for success.

What would you say to professionals considering becoming mentors? What advice do you have for future mentors?

To professionals considering becoming mentors, I say Do it! Mentoring is a powerful way to give back to your community and play a pivotal role in shaping future leaders. It will also enhance your leadership skills and deepen your understanding of personal and professional growth. My advice for future mentors is to listen actively, provide guidance tailored to individual needs, and foster an environment of trust and mutual respect. The experience is immensely rewarding and offers invaluable lessons for both mentors and mentees.


Image of Jayden Alvarez

Mentee's Perspective- Jayden Alvarez

How has the mentorship program provided real-world insights not covered in coursework?

The mentorship with Moy was very insightful. He showed me the ropes with Excel, especially Power Query, which was super helpful. Since he works with financial analysts, he gave me some good insight into that field too. It gave me a clearer picture of what to expect if I pursue that career path. Plus, he shared some great tips for my upcoming internship, my first ever. It was practical advice on how to make the most of the experience and present myself professionally. Overall, Moy's mentorship was invaluable. It went beyond just learning new skills; it prepared me for the real world.


Share an example of applying your mentor's advice to a real-world situation. How did it contribute to your success or decision-making?

Talking with Moy about my learning habits, I mentioned how I'd been diving into some courses on LinkedIn Learning to brush up on Excel. Moy thought it was a great move and encouraged me to keep at it, saying it's a solid way to show my LinkedIn connections that I'm always picking up new skills. Since then, I've been diving into Excel stuff regularly. Following his advice has been a game-changer. It not only boosted my Excel skills but also instilled a newfound confidence in my ability to excel at tasks required for my internship.


What advice would you give to future mentees in the program? 

My advice to future mentees is to jump into the program, even if you're not entirely sure what you want to gain from it. When I joined, I wasn't entirely certain of my goals, but my mentorship experience turned out to be incredibly enriching. Having someone like Moy by my side, ready to guide and support me, was invaluable. Building that connection alone made the program worthwhile.

Approach the mentorship with an open mind. You never know what opportunities and insights might come your way. Embrace the chance to learn and grow, and don't hesitate to engage with your mentor. Trust me, the experience will be rewarding regardless of where you are in your journey.