Kimberly Ortiz

What fears or anxieties did you have about going to college?

Before entering college I was really scared that I wouldn't be able to handle the workload. I thought that it would be too much for me and that I would end up failing my classes. I quickly noticed that I was in my head. I would take it one day at a time and school no longer felt as scary.


Do not let fear control you! People will often let their fear of doing something rule over what could've been a great opportunity or experience. It's good to go out of your comfort zone because you never know what amazing people you can meet or what life-changing experiences await.

I want to start off working at a nonprofit and possibly dive into research. Since I like working with children, I have also thought about working as a school counselor or even becoming a teacher!

I like to read on occasion and have been getting into cooking this year! I've also been trying to make meditating part of my routine so I can learn how to recenter myself in moments where I'm overwhelmed with emotions. I am also passionate about photography and hope to invest in a good camera to feed my passion. When I have free time, I enjoy going thrifting and adding new pieces to my wardrobe.

  1. Drinkable water
  2. My dad (he'd know what to do)
  3. Pancakes! or any food is fine hahaha


Hermanas Unidas and First Gen at the Beach!