Dr. Caitlin Fournatt

What fears or anxieties did you have about going to college?

I had many fears - academic and personal, big and small, when I went to college. What if I didn't fit in? What if I hated my roommate? How would I figure out what I wanted to do? How would I know what classes to take next? What if I graduated and STILL didn't know what I wanted to do? Thankfully, I was in a first-year learning community that helped me navigate these challenges, develop friendships, and find mentors. 


  • PhD, UC Irvine; MPhil, Cambridge University

To talk to your professors! We love to help students brainstorm next steps in their academic and professional lives as well as get to know you. You never know how connections you make now might impact you later. Plus, making connections with faculty early on will make asking for recommendations and references easier in the future.

They're not a hobby, but I have three kids, so they take up much of my time. I also love the water - beach or pool, Disney and Knott's, reading, and crocheting.

  1. hammock
  2. pen and notebook
  3. coffee

During college, I worked for my county Parks & Recreation Department in a mobile unit, bringing recreation activities to urban neighborhoods. I've also worked for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, had a Fulbright grant, and worked for a study abroad program in Costa Rica.

Research: Latin America, migration, families, refugees. Teaching: Migration & Modernity; Power & Violence in Latin America; I/ST senior seminar; UHP thesis courses (496 & 498)