Faculty Guidelines for Responding to Student Disclosures of Sexual and Dating Violence
Current Title IX policies at CSULB require faculty to report forward all information about sexual or dating violence to the Title IX Coordinator. This includes information about both past and current assaults. This also includes information disclosed in class as well as during office hours. The following guidelines provide faculty with the information they need to respond effectively to such disclosures.
These guidelines have been organized around a six-step flowchart. Each action step in the flowchart is clickable so that faculty can obtain more information, as needed. Nested information includes:
- Recommendations for how to respond to student disclosures
- Detailed descriptions of faculty reporting obligations
- Recommendations for explaining reporting obligations to students
- An explanation of Title IX processes
- A description of supportive resources on and off-campus
These guidelines were developed by Not Alone at the Beach and have been approved by the CSULB Title IX Office and the Chancellor’s Office General Counsel.
Student Discloses Sexual Assault, Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking, or Harassment
Click for information about disclosure and types of misconduct

Respond in a Supportive and Empathetic Way
Click for information about how to emotionally support survivors

Explain that Faculty are Required to Provide Details of the Incident to the Office of Equity & Diversity
Click for information on your reporting obligation

Explain What the Office of Equity & Diversity Can Do, but Assure Survivors That They Do NOT have to respond to OED contacts
Click for information on the services & accommodations OED can provide

Explain Options for Confidential Reporting
Click for information about FREE & CONFIDENTIAL accommodations & support

Connect the Student to Supportive Services
Click for information about support services on and off campus

Support Student’s Choices & Provide Ongoing Support
Click for information about providing ongoing support