
Upcoming Colloquium

Who’s Afraid of Quantum Interference?
Dr. Matthew Leifer, Chapman University

February 3, 2025
11:00am in HSCI-105

Matthew Leifer

Femtosecond (FS) lasers can be delivered through transparent and translucent tissue and capable of creating sub-surface incisions without any damage to the superficial tissue. This provides a unique opportunity to perform non-invasive high-precision surgery beneath the tissue surface with minimized surgical trauma to the patient. Although femtosecond lasers have potential surgical applications in numerous human organs, the human eye is clearly the most attractive target for FS laser surgery due to the presence of transparent ocular media to the near infrared FS laser light. The lecture will review the physics of basic laser-tissue interaction studies and will summarize the development of femtosecond surgical technologies for high-precision non-invasive ophthalmic surgical techniques.

pattern creating by quantum interference
Fig. Quantum interference.

About the Colloquium

The Colloquium is a unique opportunity for students to learn about new developments in physics and what physicists do after they graduate. Hosted by the Physics and Astronomy Department at California State University, Long Beach, the weekly meetings invite guests from universities, research laboratories, and industry to present and discuss current topics in physics. All students are encouraged to attend for a well-rounded experience and training in physics.

Colloquium Coordinator

For information and suggestions about the colloquium please contact the colloquium coordinator:

Dr. Zoltan Papp


Spring 2025 Colloquia
DateTitleSpeaker and Affiliation
February 3, 2025Who’s Afraid of Quantum Interference?Dr. Matthew Leifer, Chapman University
February 10, 2025(topic: artificial intelligence (AI))Arnulfo Gonzalez, National Nuclear Security Site, Las Vegas
February 17, 2025Distinguished Lecture Speaker - Quantum ChromodynamicsStanley Brodsky, Stanford
February 24, 2025(topic: condensed matter theory)Judit Romanyi, UC Irvine
March 3, 2025(topic: high energy experiment)Daniel Diaz, Fermilab, Chicago
March 10, 2025(topic: condensed matter theory)Silke Paschen, TU Wien, Austria
March 24, 2025(topic: condensed matter experiment)Karoly Holczer, UCLA
April 7, 2025TBDTBD
April 14, 2025(topic: condensed matter experiment)Cristopher Barty, UC Irvine
April 21, 2025(topic: condensed matter theory)Kalman Varga, Vanderbilt
April 28, 2025(topic: condensed matter theory)Thomas Baker, University of Victoria, Canada
May 5, 2025Physics Student Research PresentationsPhysics Students, CSU Long Beach
May 7, 2025Physics Student Research PresentationsPhysics Students, CSU Long Beach

Previous Colloquia

Previous Spring 2025 Colloquia
DateTitleSpeaker and Affiliation
January 27, 2025Femtosecond Laser Eye Surgery: The Journey from Discovery to Commercial ProductsDr. Tibor Juhasz, UC Irvine

The Colloquium Archive has the Colloquia from previous semesters.


We acknowledge with gratitude donations and support from the following present sponsors:

  • H.E. and H.B. Miller and Family Endowment
  • Benjamin Carter
  • American Physical Society
  • Anonymous

We also acknowledge with gratitude our past donors: The Forty-Niner Shops, Inc., The Northrop Grumman Foundation, Sandra Dana, Anonymous.

If you wish to support the Colloquium, please contact the colloquium coordinator or the department chair. Thank you!