CSULB Home Physics & Astronomy Department News Department News 10 December, 2021 How CSULB is Creating a More Inclusive Workforce The APS Bridge Program at CSULB empowers students of diverse backgrounds in the rigorous fields of physics. With APS Bridge support during his master's program, Daniel Diaz went on to earn a Ph.D. in particle physics while researching at the CERN laboratory in Switzerland. 15 September, 2021 Meeting a Growing Need for Physics Teachers There is a severe shortage of qualified science and math teachers nationwide, including physics. CSULB is credentialing and providing a pathway for existing teachers to add an authorization in physics, enabling them to teach the much-needed subject area. 1 July, 2021 Scholarships Support Women in STEM With the support from a physics scholarship, Natalie was able to cut back on the number of hours she needed to work in order to focus on her studies, internship, and her involvement in the college community. 1 July, 2021 Alex Klotz Wins 2021 Mayfield Award CNSM students voted this year to bestow the Mayfield Award for outstanding teaching in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics to Dr. Alex Klotz. 18 December, 2020 Ask a Physicist: How Does Santa's Sleigh Fly? Dr. Thomas Gredig and Dr. Galen Pickett discuss the physics of how Santa keeps his sleigh in flight and how he manages to get to all of the world's children in one night. 2 December, 2020 Daniel Diaz, CSULB APS Bridge Program student gets his Ph.D. Congratulations to Dr. Daniel Diaz who completed his Ph.D. at CERN in Switzerland. Daniel was part of the very first APS Bridge Program cohort and started our Master's program in Fall 2014. 24 November, 2020 Alumnus Aaron Schwartz Offered Position at Cypress Alumnus Aaron Schwartz has been offered full-time faculty position at Cypress Community College. Aaron follows the steps of several other CSULB Physics and Astronomy alumni who joined the faculty at various community colleges. Congratulations, Aaron! 20 November, 2020 Thomas Gredig Receives 2020 CNSM Award for Excellence Dr. Thomas Gredig is one of the recipients of the 2020 "Pretty Darn Good Professor" Award from the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. We congratulate Dr. Gredig on this well deserved award! 20 May, 2020 Congratulations Graduates! Congratulations to our graduating class of 2020! We join you in celebrating this milestone in your life. You have shown incredible resolve and persistence, and we are extremely proud of each one of you. 20 April, 2020 2020 IGEN APS Google Bridge Fellowships Google Inc. has partnered with the Physics and Astronomy Department to offer two full two-year Google Bridge Fellowships via the IGEN APS Bridge Program. CSU Long Beach is one of only 6 national Bridge Sites of the American Physical Society. 17 January, 2020 Dr. Klotz Explores Parasite DNA and How It Can Treat Diseases Dr. Alex Klotz has published a paper in the Proceedings of Natural Academy of Sciences (PNAS) highlighting his exploration of parasite DNA. He is hopeful that his work will potentially aid in the diagnosis of tropical diseases. 15 January, 2020 Dr. Ojeda-Aristizabal research featured in MRS Bulletin Dr. Claudia Ojeda-Aristizabal's research on molecular solids was featured in the MRS Bulletin article titled "Photoemission spectroscopy reveals complex character of buckyball thin film." More News More News