Lot 7 Expansion
Lot 7 Expansion
Update: Lot 7 now open!
Lot 7 is a faculty and staff parking lot only, with general spaces open to students with valid parking permits after 5:30 p.m. on weekdays and all day during the weekends.
This lot now features expanded parking areas including 152 new parking spaces along with a number of sustainable construction features. There are now also dedicated clinic parking spaces, short-term parking and Official Guest of the University spaces located in the South Turnaround. Lastly, this project also includes large expansions to South Campus Drive, the South Turnaround, and East Campus Drive that improve safety and expedite traffic flow within these areas.
Other construction features:
- Upgraded parking pay stations
- Two new sustainable practices were used for the first time on campus in the construction of Lot 7:
- Bio-swales:A sustainable storm water management system using a section of engineered soil to clean water runoff prior to its entry into the storm drains.
- Pervious concrete: A porous concrete that allows storm water to pass through the concrete and also cleans contaminants from the storm water prior to the water being redeposited into the ground.

- Upgraded ADA access points and routes from all areas of Lot 7 and also from East Campus Drive, South Campus Drive, Theater Arts building and public transportation ingress points. An improved ADA drop zone was also incorporated in the South Turnaround.
- Infrastructure installed for solar photo voltaic systems in preparation for future solar panels and EV Chargers.
- Previous landscaping replaced with drought-tolerant vegetation
We are excited about the completion of this parking improvement project and we look forward to continuing to improve your parking experience on campus.
For any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at parkinggeneral@csulb.edu.