BeachGO mobile app

BeachGO is a mobile app exclusively for CSULB students, staff and faculty. The app provides free trip planning to campus by matching the individual with the most efficient way to travel to campus based on a variety of parameters selected by the user including mode (e.g., carpool, vanpool, bike, transit), relationship to the campus, gender, language spoken, time, day of the week, and more!

The BeachGO app will also list the most relevant discounts available to the individual based on the modes chosen, provide a way to track the carbon emissions saved, and even earn rewards! Users can plan multi-modal trips with fixed-route transit, demand-response transit, micro transit, bike share, carpool, and other transportation options. 

More information will be available on this website as we get closer to our launch date during Spring Semester 2025. We are excited about this new capability and what it will provide to our campus community!