The Beach Expands Collaborations Across the Globe

Jeet Joshee Headshot

CSULB is making impeccable moves overseas. Recently, Associate Vice President for International Education and Global Engagement Jeet Joshee was selected to serve as Fellow in the U.S.-ASEAN University Connections Initiative (UCI). This White House initiative was first announced during the U.S.-ASEAN Special Summit in May 2022 and is administered through the U.S. Department of State’s Increase and Diversify Education Abroad for U.S. Students (IDEAS) Program. This initiative aims to strengthen U.S. colleges and universities’ engagement in global partnerships and study abroad programming in alignment with U.S. foreign policy goals.  

Joshee’s role will be instrumental in uniting 50 leaders from diverse colleges and universities in the United States with eight ASEAN member countries—Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam—for a series of virtual and in-person trainings designed to foster sustainable international academic partnerships, and the two-way exchange of students, scholars, and researchers between U.S. and Southeast Asian higher education institutions. 

“I am honored to have been selected as a fellow in the U.S.-ASEAN University Connections Initiative. This presents a tremendous opportunity for CSULB to establish partnerships and collaborate with like institutions in South-East Asia and ASEAN countries in particular,” said Joshee, “I am excited that the fellowship will enable CSULB to work with universities in the region that will open enormous global learning opportunities for our students, faculty, and staff.” 

Apart from his new role as U.S.-ASEAN UCI Fellow, Joshee also serves as team lead for Beach 2030’s Build a Growth Strategy action plan. The action plan strives to implement programs in curriculum, innovative modalities, and locations to ensure CSULB’s relevance, competitiveness, and service to the public. This collaboration further aligns with Beach 2030’s growth strategy goal to curate “The Beach” experience to more learners. Through the unification of 50 global leaders, CSULB will reach non-local markets to grow effective partnerships without physical capacity constraints. 

CSULB’s Office of International Education and Global Engagement (IEGE) is responsible for fulfilling the university’s worldwide mission to engage students, scholars, faculty, and staff in various international education activities. They support and equip students with the knowledge and cultural competency needed to take on global leadership and service roles upon graduation. They also invigorate CSULB and international faculty with opportunities to be placed as exchange and visiting scholars for teaching, research, and service. 

Joshee hopes to serve as a powerhouse of global empowerment for our university and international learners. The Beach is excited to witness and celebrate our institution's expansive excellence his next venture. 

Read more at the U.S.-ASEAN University Connections Initiative website.