ASCEND Achievements

Research Support

Student Name: Yu Hsin Daniel Chiu
Degree/ Program: Microbiology, B.S.
Research faculty advisor: Dr. Deborah A. Fraser
Research Title: Endogenously Produced Innate Immune Protein C1q Modulates Macrophage Cytokine Production

Student Name: Jonathan Tubaces
Degree/ Program: BS Molecular Cell Biology and Physiology
Research faculty advisor: Deborah Fraser PhD. 
Research Title: Examining effects of C1q on mitochondrial ROS in human macrophages

Student Name: Vivian Tran
Degree/ Program: Biomedical Engineering
Research faculty advisor: Dr. Hojin Moon
Research Title: Genomic/Genetic Biomarkers for Life Threatening Disease for Personalized Medicine

Student Name: Ena Ysabella Arroyo
Degree/ Program: Biomedical Engineering Major, Computer Science Minor
Research faculty advisor: Dr. Siavash Ahrar
Research Title: Hydrodynamics of Marine Larvae

Student Name: Ashling Bolt
Degree/ Program: Biomedical Engineering
Research faculty advisor: Dr. Perla Ayala
Research Title: Composite Scaffolds for Improving Human Skeletal Muscle Cell Differentiation

Student Name: Bence Zoltan Papp
Degree/ Program: Mechanical Engineering
Research faculty advisor: Dr. Mortaza Saeidi
Research Title: Flexible Thermoelectric Generators for Energy Harvesting

Student Name: Truc Thanh Thuy Pho
Degree/ Program: BS Biochemistry and BA Chemistry
Research faculty advisor: Dr. Tian and Dr. Pitiporn
Research Title: Antimicrobial Activity of Metal- Organic Framework
Gels Prepared Through Green Synthesis

Student Name: Amanda Plong
Degree/ Program: Molecular Cell Biology and Physiology
Research faculty advisor: Dr. Fraser 
Research Title: Measuring Transcription Factors in THP-1 Macrophages with the use of Flow Cytometry

Student Name: Jaimie De Guzman
Degree/ Program: Biomedical Engineering 
Research faculty advisor: Siavash Ahrar 
Research Title: Hydrodynamics of Marine Larvae

Student Name: Andres Fernandez
Degree/ Program: Civil Engineering
Research faculty advisor: Dr. Pitiporn Asvapathanagul
Research Title: Optimizing vortex separation for microplastic removal from freeway runoff: performance and efficiency analysis