Book Discussion with Dr. Rafael A. Martinez

Please join CHLS 362 for a timely discussion with Dr. Rafael A. Martinez on his new manuscript, Illegalized: Undocumented Youth Movements in the United States (Arizona University Press, 2024). Come learn about the direct actions and counter narratives of undocumented youth of the last 20 years that have catalyzed new directions in the fight for immigration justice. Immigrant youth have been at the forefront of disrupting “DREAMer” narratives that reinforce the “good vs bad immigrant” binary, and “illegalization” of immigrants inscribed into U.S. immigration law, policy, and systems of surveillance and control. What do the catalysts and ruptures of immigrant youth movements teach us about immigration justice under the current Presidential Administration? How are advocates confronting a second term, which was secured by galvanizing racist, xenophobic, transphobic narratives?

Please consider offering/ requesting extra credit in order to encourage participation. Students will be asked to sign in.

Dr. Martinez is Assistant Professor of Southwest Borderlands in the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts at Arizona State University. He teaches courses on the American Southwest, the U.S.-Mexico borderlands, transborder Chicano literature, and narrative studies.

This event is sponsored by CHLS and part of CHLS 362: Latinos, Law and Public Policy. For questions, email


SP25_Book Talk Martinez Feb 19 2025