Dr. Anna Bax

Title: Assistant Professor
Office Location: PSY 403
Office Hours: Wed: 12:00-1:00pm; Thurs: 2:00-3:00pm; or by appointment by booking via Calendly.
E-mail Address: anna.bax@csulb.edu
Research website: https://www.annabax.org/research


Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of California Santa Barbara, 2020
MA in Linguistics, University of California Santa Barbara, 2016
BA in Linguistics, Pomona College, 2013

Teaching/Research Interests

As a sociocultural linguist, my teaching and research interests revolve around investigating the intersections between language, identity, power, and social justice. I employ a wide array of qualitative methodologies, including discourse and interactional analysis and linguistic ethnography. Since 2015, I have been involved in collaborative research with a community of Tu’un Savi (Mixtec) speakers living in California. My ongoing work with this community has included projects on metalinguistic naming practices and language ideologies; youth language shift and language maintenance; the investigation of emergent sociolinguistic variation in a situation of intense dialect contact; and the raciolinguistic ideologies involved in media representations of Indigenous Mexicans.

Courses Taught

LING 100: The Nature of Language
LING 422/522: Discourse Analysis
LING 472: Language and Social Justice
LING 650: Seminar in Bilingualism