Program 50

Tradition and Innovation: Comparative Literature in the 21st Century

Wednesday April 15 2015

Registration Opens 8:30

Location: Anatol Patio


Session I—9:30-10:45

Panel 1: Reinventing Red Riding Hood

Location: Anatol Center

Moderator: Katherine McLoone, California State University, Long Beach

“Wolf Got Your Heart?: Examining the Change of Sexualization in Little Red Riding Hood”

Katherine Georges, California State University, Long Beach

“Nobody’s Meat: The Sexual Emancipation of Little Red Riding Hood”

Krystina Hunley, California State University, Long Beach

“A Wolf in Girl’s Clothing: A Structural Analysis of Little Red Riding Hood”

William Vasquez, California State University, Long Beach

Panel 2: Texts and Contexts

Location: AS 384
Moderator: Rachelle Okawa, California State, Univeristy, Long Beach

1.“ ‘Yes we Can…istrelli!’: Graffiti, Multimedia Platforms and the Staging Corsican as a Language of Playful Transgression”

Alexandra Jaffe, California State University, Long Beach

2.“Kobani, Literary Hermeneutics of Kurdish Resistance Literature”

Amir Sharifi, California State University, Long Beach

Ali Ashouri, California State University, San Diego

3. “Western and Palestinian Women’s Reactions to Society in both Fairy and Folk Tales”

Laila Shikaki, Birzeit University, Palestine


Session II—11:00-12:15

Panel 3: Text, Film, and Video Games: German Theorists and Global Discourses

Location: Anatol Center
Moderator: Alicia Alderson, California State University, Long Beach

“Happy Global Revolution-Modern Discourse Evolution: Twenty-five Years of (Schiller, Beethoven, and) Bernstein’s ‘Ode to Joy Freedom’”

Jeffrey L. High, California State University, Long Beach

World Film: Eisenstein and Disney

Johannes Endres, California State University, Long Beach

Return of the Flaneur: Walter Benjamin’s Examination of Flanerie and its Implications for the Digital Age

Curtis Maughan, Vanderbilt University

Panel 4: Literary Form and Narrative Voice

Location: AS 384
Moderator: Thomas Haeussler, California State University, Long Beach

“Persuasive Syntax and Purposeful Violence: Deciphering the Influence of Grammar in Violent Episodes of The Erle of Tolous

Nicole Bennett, California State University, Long Beach

“The Dangers of Smoking”

Kameron Thissell, California State University, Long Beach

“The Baconian Thread in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Brittany Rebarchik, Brigham Young University


Session III—12:30-1:45

Panel 5: Between Tradition and Innovation: Reframing Issues in the Ancient World 

Location: Anatol Center
Moderator: Kathryn Chew, California State University, Long Beach

“The Hellenicate World: Applying Marshall Hodgson’s Civilizational Approach to Hellenistic Periodization”

Mark G. Benton, Jr., California State University, Long Beach

“The Historical Dido”

Jeff Chu, California State University, Long Beach

“Otium and the Greater Good: Modern Retirement from a Classical Perspective”

Steven Cruikshank, California State University, Long Beach

“From Glory to Glory”: Anthropological Metaphysics after Nicaea

David Kaufmann, California State University, San Diego and Long Beach

Panel 6: Identity Politics: Race, Gender, Sexuality

Location: AS 384

Moderator: Christopher Shaw, California State University, Long Beach

“Innovations of Race and Gender Yielding a Tradition of Self-Consumption in 1990s-2000s Literature and Media”

Levon Parseghian, California State University, Long Beach

“Blending of Genders: The Subversion of Gender as Identity”

Samuel Raleigh, California State University, Long Beach

“Saving the Day: Hypersexuality in Superman and Popeye (throughout the Depression)”

Kelli Snyder, California State University, Long Beach

“Intersectionality of Identity, Intentionality, and Agency in Sexual Assault Prevention: Theoretical Explorations in Praxis”

Jose Rodriguez, California State University, Long Beach


Session IV—2:00-3:15

Location: Anatol Center
Moderator: Vlatka Velcic, California State University, Long Beach

Conversation with Krassi Zourkova, the Author of Wildalone

Refreshments in Anatol Patio


Session V—3:30-4:45

Panel 7: Performance Arts Movements: Space, Gender, and Identity

Location: Anatol Center
Moderator: Eileen Luhr, California State University, Long Beach

1. “Raising Up: Gender Construction in the Black Arts Movement”

Kelly E. Kitchens, California State University, Long Beach

2. “Teenage Kicks in a War Zone: Gendering Ulster Punk, 1977–1982”

Andrew H. Carroll, California State University, Long Beach

3. “Gender and the City: Constructing Masculinity in New York Hardcore Punk during the 1980s”

Alan M. Parkes, California State University, Long Beach

Panel 8: Narrative Innovation and Adaptation

Location: AS 384
Moderator: Pravina Cooper, California State University, Long Beach

“From Utopia to Dystopia: Comparing Anime and Manga Versions of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

Nianci Zhang, Josai International University, Japan

Portrayals of Women’s Sexuality in Shirow Masamune’s The Ghost in the Shell”

Alejandra Lopez, California State University, Long Beach

3.“ ‘Shake It Out’: A Translation Studies Approach To Analyzing Cover Songs”

Amy Desuza, California State University, Long Beach


Session VI—5:00-6:15

Panel 9: The Controversial Success of Fifty Shades of Gray

Round Table Discussion

Location: Anatol Center
Panel Participants:

Stephanie Buehler, MPW, PsyD, CST

Cindy Hong, California State University, Long Beach

Christopher Karadjov, California State University, Long Beach

Vlatka Velcic, California State University, Long Beach

Refreshments in Anatol Patio


Thursday April 16 2015

Registration Opens 8:30
Location: Anatol Center Patio


Session VII—9:30-10:45

Panel 10: The Local and the Global

Location: Anatol Center
Moderator: Elizabeth Dahab, California State University, Long Beach

“Under the Overpass: Coloniality and History-from-Below in Helena Maria Viramontes’s Their Dogs Came with Them”

Cera Smith, California State University, Long Beach

“To Go in Order to Come Back: A Comparative Analysis of Wooden Fish Songs and The House on Mango Street”

Xiaoxue Sun, Loyola Marymount University

“Influences of Global Capitalism on Latino Population”

Yoli J. Sarmiento, California State University, Long Beach

4. “Modern-Day Mythology Model: The Relation Between Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns and Contemporary Values”

Jason Lauckner, California State University, Long Beach 

Panel 11: Subversion and Experimentation in Film

Location: AS 384
Moderator: Raymond Waters, California State University, Long Beach

“F!*K {Insistent} Happiness: Performing Melancholic Praxis in Melancholia

Mary Beth Perdue, University of California, Merced

“Representations of Mental Disorders in Gone GirlZodiac, and Night Crawler”

Sean Pou, California State University, Long Beach

“A Hollow Victory: An analysis of the Novel to Film Adaptation of Ender’s Game”

Odona Ngai, California State University, Long Beach

“Harry Potter and the Augmented Reality of American Youth”

Josephine Bang, California State University, Long Beach


Session VIII—11:00-12:15

Panel 12: Representations and Transformations in Popular Culture

Location: Anatol Center
Moderator: Vlatka Velcic, California State University, Long Beach

“Lost in Translation: Dante’s Mass Reproduction Throughout the Ages”

Justin Hogate, California State University, Long Beach

“Food For Thought: Life as a Vietnamese American”

Jacqueline Bui, California State University, Long Beach

“Imaginary Membership: Real World Expressions of Mexican American Cultural Identity”

Juan Lozano, California State University, Long Beach

“What is Your Fear?”

Matthew Villasenor, California State University, Long Beach


Session IX—12:30-1:45

Panel 13: Transforming Fairy Tales

Location: Anatol Center
Moderator: Katherine McLoone, California State University, Long Beach

“‘Rapunzel’ and the Extremely Tangled Perception: The Transformation of Traditional Fairy tales Regarding Ownership and the Expectations of Contemporary Society”

Laura Slingo, California State University, Long Beach

“Turning Gain into Loss: Russell’s Inversion of Perrault’s Canonized Tale”

Anastasia Merkulova, California State University, Long Beach

“Little Girls, Wolves, and the Intrusiveness of Missionary Persuasion on Childhood”

Ashley Snyder, California State University, Long Beach

Panel 14: Transformations in Time and Space

Location: AS 384
Moderator: Christopher Shaw, California State University, Long Beach

“Atget’s Liminal Frame: An Intersection of Tradition and Innovation”

Christina Alegria, California State University, Long Beach

“Colonial Dreams Fall Apart: The Case of Laye and Nwoye”

Alan Gomez, California State University, Long Beach

“‘The Venice Effect’: Venice By Way of Umberto Eco’s ‘Hyperreal’”

Joe Canon, California State University, Long Beach

“Comic Contemplations of the Iranian ‘Other’: Challenging Autobiographical Conventions in Firoozeh Dumas and Marjane Satrapi’s Memoirs”

Leila Pazargadi, Nevada State College


Session X—2:00-3:15

Poetry Recitation/Declamation

Location: Anatol Center Patio

Organizer/Moderator: Elizabeth Dahab, California State University, Long Beach



Session XI—3:30-4:45

Location: Anatol Center

Featured Speaker

Kathleen Komar, University of California, Los Angeles

“From ‘Emotion Recollected in Tranquility’ to Electrons Reconstructed in Technology: or How Do We Deal with Electronic Poetry?”


Session XII—5:00-6:15

Reception and Wrap Up Party

 Location: Anatol Center Patio

DJ: Jaykannon