Near-peer mentoring & tutoring program
Summer ASCEND Academic Support Services through Near-Peer Mentoring & Tutoring and/or Class Preparation
Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander (AANAPI) Student Success Center & Development (ASCEND) Program
AANAPISI Site: California State University, Long Beach (CSULB)
U.S. Department of Education – AANAPISI Grant Part A
Application Window: Available until all support disbursed.
Application link:

The Summer ASCEND academic support services via near-peer mentoring & tutoring associated with class preparation program is accepting new applications. The application window will be opened until all support is granted. Students who are interested in applying must submit their application as soon as possible. The application review will be performed on the first comes first serve every Tuesday during Summer semester. ASCEND participation support will be primarily distributed by the CSULB Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. ASCEND support ($1,000) will be integrated with other kinds of educational aid, which cannot exceed the annual student’s cost of attendance allowance.
The need for ASCEND academic support services and the impact of ASCEND participation on target students' success are significant for students applying to participate in this ASCEND program. Near-peer tutoring and mentoring play crucial roles in enhancing student success by providing relatable role models and academic assistance tailored to students' needs. These support systems foster a sense of belonging and academic confidence, which are essential for students' academic and personal growth. The next decades, Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander (AANAPI) populations will serve as one of the primary U.S. workforces. ASCEND aims to prepare ASCEND participants and to enhance student’s potential toward their future success. ASCEND academic support services supplement academic needs toward increasing postsecondary education access to their STEM major in College of Engineering (COE) and College of Natural Science and Mathematics (CNSM), and completion of their STEM degree from COE or CNSM via improvement of student’s educational success through timely graduation and excellent GPA. All STEM undergraduate students from COE and CNSM, including pre-COE or pre-CNSM students, who most benefit from ASCEND Spring program, are encouraged to apply.
Summer ASCEND Program Plan: Near-peer tutoring/mentoring when students are enrolled in a STEM summer course offered by COE and CNSM at CSULB. ASCEND participants are required to interact with ASCEND tutor, mentor and their advisor for a total of 10 times per week until their summer class is concluded.
- U.S. citizens and legal U.S. permanent residents.
- Undergraduate students in STEM majors from College of Natural Science and Mathematics (CNSM), or College of Engineering (COE) at CSULB. Pre-STEM majors in COE and CNSM students are eligible to apply.
- Demonstrated need of support to improve academic performance, graduation, and GPA during academic semester.
- Complete the online Summer ASCEND application via or this link.
- Statement of ASCEND academic support services impact toward student’s success and ASCEND-AANAPISI program’s missions that address the following areas:
the needs for ASCEND academic support services and impacts of ASCEND participation toward target student’s success. How does near-peer tutoring and mentoring enhance student’s success? Challenges can be included to justify the needs. What happens or will happen if the student is not selected as one of ASCEND participants during specific semester? (250 words minimum to 300 words maximum).
Remark: - Challenges that justify the need for these services include the increasing complexity of academic coursework and the diverse backgrounds of students, which may include first-generation college students, and those facing socio-economic challenges. Without the support of ASCEND, students may struggle to navigate these difficulties, leading to lower academic performance and decreased retention rates. If a student is not selected as an ASCEND participant during the specific semester, they might miss out on these crucial support services. This lack of support could hinder their academic progress, reduce their engagement with the academic community, and limit their access to valuable mentorship opportunities. Consequently, the student's overall college experience and long-term success might be adversely affected.
- short- and long-term academic and professional goals and barriers that the student encountering/encountered that prohibit the student to achieve their goals and how ASCEND Program can assist the student to achieve these goals. (250 words minimum to 300 words maximum).
- how to enhance ASCEND:AANAPISI’s missions? One of ASCEND: AANAPISI grant’s missions is to enhance equity, diversity, and inclusion toward Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander (AANAPI) and underserved populations. Include student’s contribution toward steps to counter racist attacks on AANAPI or the applicant's contributions to stop racism, bias, and discrimination against AANAPI. Experience on AANAPI anti-racism activities can be included as an example to support ASEND:AANAPISI missions. (250 words minimum to 300 words maximum).
- Needs justification.
- Impacts of ASCEND program toward student’s success.
- Ability to enhance CSULB STEM learning climate.
- Potential to advance ASCEND-AANAPISI missions.
- Passion for learning (achievable plan and ambitious goals).
- Quality of application package.
Once the scholarship is disbursed, ASCEND scholarship awardees
- must provide their informed consent to participate in ASCEND research titled, “Early Academic Intervention via Near-Peer Mentoring & Tutoring Associated with/without Class Preparation Progressing Educational Success for Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander (AANAPI) & Underserved Students in their STEM major.” It is mandatory to provide informed consent and participate in ASCEND study to receive ASCEND support.
- must primarily utilize the ASCEND support for the specific semester at CSULB through the CSULB Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Office.
- ASCEND scholarship awardees for the specific semester must remain enrolling at CSULB without withdrawing from any courses. Please contact ASCEND leadership team ( if the award recipients encounter challenges that cause their academic difficulties after the ASCEND scholarship is disbursed.
- are highly recommended to take Asian American or Native American Pacific Islander relevant General Educational courses (G.E. foundation, G.E. exploration or upper division G.E.) within one year after receiving ASCEND scholarship.
If students have enrolled in or completed one of the suggested G.E. courses, students are not required to take an additional course. The courses under the following course prefixes are considered:- Asian & Asian American Studies (AAAS)
- Asian Studies (A/ST)
- Cambodian (KHMR)
- Chinese (CHIN)
- Filipino (FIL)
- Japanese (JAPN)
- Korean (KOR)
- Vietnamese (VIET)
- are required to complete at least one ASCEND professional and leadership workshop (TBA: see ASCEND website at for more details).
- must meet their academic advisor during the semester.
- must being active in the program and enroll during the semester.
- must meet ASCEND mentor, tutor or advisor as specified for at least 10 times per week for students.
- must grant ASCEND team permission to track student’s academic performance to evaluate ASCEND’s impacts towards student’ success for reporting to the granter and disseminating general knowledge towards ASCEND student academic success.
- must complete annual ASCEND evaluation and survey forms for reporting and dissemination of the study outcomes. Informed consent form is required for award disbursements.
- must agree to be included in the ASCEND email list, ASCEND discord group and ASCEND LinkedIn.
- must agree to share their name and CSULB ID to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to verify the award allowance.
- must complete two questionnaires: ASCEND Student Support Services need during and after the program.
Questions? For more information, please visit our ASCEND:AANAPISI website ( If you have questions about the ASCEND scholarship applications, please feel free to contact us at
The ASCEND program eliminates barriers, gender, race, national origin, color, disability, or age and assures equitable access to, and participation in the program.