Graduate Writing Resources

Whether it’s writing your thesis, brainstorming for a seminar paper, or completing final formatting edits, CSULB offers various writing resources to its graduate students. 

The Thesis and Dissertation Office offers formatting support to graduate thesis/dissertation students in preparation for their submission to the office (usually around the time of committee approval/the student’s thesis defense). The online formatting resources linked below are a great place to start. To schedule an appointment with the Thesis Office staff, click the link below to email them at

For CSULB graduate students seeking writing help earlier in the process, the Graduate Center’s Writing Specialist is available to assist as well as advise on general academic writing concerns (e.g., avoiding plagiarism or overcoming writing anxiety).

To schedule a writing support appointment, see the Graduate Writing Specialist’s webpage: 

Request Appointment

The CSULB Library is also a well of resources for all students to receive support as they research their topics and refine their citation knowledge and skills. Each discipline has its own librarian dedicated to offering specialized assistance in that area. To view your department/topic’s research guides and connect with your librarian, click the button below.

Library Research Guides

In addition, the following resources offer various types of writing support to the CSULB community: