Past research in CHAAT has focused on evaluating air traffic management issues for UAVs in low altitude patrol or loiter, investigating the consequences of UAV inclusion in a high density, thus challenging, airspace environment, and evaluating the feasibility of flying ROVs in terminal airspace using a distributed simulation network over the internet.
Miles, J.D. & Strybel, T. Z. (2017) Measuring situation awareness of student air traffic controllers with online probe queries: Are we asking the right questions? International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 33(1), 5067-5073.
Chiappe, D., Morgan, C. A., Kraut, J., Ziccardi, J., Sturre, L., Strybel, T. Z., Vu, K.-P. L. (2016) Evaluating probe techniques and a situated theory of situation awareness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 22(4), 436-454.
Miramontes, A., Keeler, J., Zimmerman, R. L., Gawron, V., Battiste, V., Strybel, T. Z., & Vu, K.-P. L. (2016) Examining the effectiveness of a traffic flow management course for air traffic control students. In Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (pp. 99-100). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.
To view the complete list of publications and proceeding papers, click the drop-down menus below.
- Vu, K.-P. L., Rorie, R. C., Fern, L., & Shively, R. J. (2020). Human factors contributions to the development of standards for displays of unmanned aircraft systems in support of detect-and-avoid. Human Factors, 62(4), 505-515.
- Chiappe, D. & Vu, K.-P. L. (2018). The motor intentional core of situation awareness. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science (Oct), 1-24.3.
- Vu, K.-P. L., Lachter, J., Battiste, V., & Strybel, T. Z. (2018). Single Pilot Operations in Domestic Commercial Aviation. Human Factors, 60, 775-762.4.
- Marayong, P., Strybel, T. Z., Robles, J., O’Connor, R., Vu, K.-P. L., & Battiste, V. (2017). Force Feedback Integration with NASA's NextGen Cockpit Situation Display. Journal of Air Transportation, 25, 17-25.
- Miles, J.D. & Strybel, T. Z. (2017). Measuring situation awareness of student air traffic controllers with online probe queries: Are we asking the right questions? International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 33(1), 5067-5073.
- Chiappe, D. L., Morgan, C. A., Kraut, J., Ziccardi, J., Sturre, L., Strybel, T. Z., & Vu, K.-P. L. (2016). Evaluating probe techniques and a situated theory of situation awareness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 22, 436-454.7.
- Strybel, T. Z., Vu, K.-P. L., Chiappe, D. L., Morgan, C. A., Morales, G., & Battiste, V. (2016). Effects of NextGen concepts of operation for separation assurance and interval management on air traffic controller situation awareness, workload, and performance. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 26, 1-14.
- Strybel, T., Battiste, V., Vu, K., Marayong, P., Ahuja, S., Schmitz, M., Cheung, J., Culver, C., Alfaroarevalo, A., Shankar, P. (2024). Evaluation of Voice vs. Text Communication Modes in Simulated UAM Operations.. In: Alex, er M. Yemelyanov and Lisa Jo Elliott (eds) Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering. AHFE (2024) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 126. AHFE International, USA.
- Ahuja, S., Strybel, T.Z., Vu, K-P., L, Marayong, P., Shankar, P., & Battiste V. (2023). Development and validation of a virtual UAM transportation system. Proceedings of the 2023 International Symposium of Aviation Psychology.
- Haneji, K., Leung, K., Tran, A., Cheung, J., Deabaapilux, W., Marayong, P., Vu, K.-P. L., Shankar, P., Strybel, T., & Battiste, V. (2023). Use of tactile alerts in urban air mobility vehicles. In: Gesa Praetorius, Charlott Sellberg and Riccardo Patriarca (eds) Human Factors in Transportation. AHFE (2023) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 95. AHFE International, USA.
- Vu, K.-P. L., VanLuven, J., Diep, T., Battiste, V., Brandt, S., Monk, K. J., Rorie, R. C, Shively, R. J., & Strybel, T. Z. (2020). Impact of UAS with Low Size, Weight, and Power Sensors on Air Traffic Controllers’ Performance and Acceptability Ratings. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 154-158).Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
- Vu, K.-P. L., Keeler, J., Fern, L., Mattoon, N., Rorie, R. C., Battiste, V., Shively, R. J., & Strybel, T. Z. (2019). Impact of the frequency of lost links on air traffic controllers’ performance and acceptability ratings. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Meeting (Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 121-125). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
- Barraza, E., Holloway, A., Blackwood, K., Gutensohn, M. J., & Vu, K.-P. L. (2018). Measuring the Effects of a Cognitive Aid in Deep Space Network Operations. In S. Yamamoto and H. Mori (Eds.): Human Interface and the Management of Information 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10905, 343–358.
- Battiste, V., Lachter, J., Brandt, S., Alvarez, A., Strybel, T. Z., & Vu, K.-P. L. (2018). Human-Automation Teaming: Lessons Learned and Future Directions. In S. Yamamoto and H. Mori (Eds.): Human Interface and the Management of Information 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10905, 479-493.
- Matessa, M., Vu, K.-P. L., Strybel, T. Z., Battiste, V., Schnell, T., & Cover, M. (2018). Using Distributed Simulation to Investigate Human-Autonomy Teaming. In S. Yamamoto and H. Mori (Eds.): Human Interface and the Management of Information 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10905, 541–550.
- Strybel, T. Z., Keeler, J., Barakezyan, V., Alvarez, A., Mattoon, N., Vu, K.-P. L., & Battiste, V. (2018). Effectiveness of Human Autonomy Teaming in Cockpit Applications. In S. Yamamoto and H. Mori (Eds.): Human Interface and the Management of Information 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10905, 465–476.
- Alvarez, A., Barakezyan, V., Barraza, E., Park, J., Vu, K. P. L., & Battiste, V. (2018). Measuring the Effectiveness of Human Autonomy Teaming. Advances in Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering, 23.
Poster Presentations

Adrianna Miramontes, Jillian Keeler, Roberta L. Zimmerman, Valerie Gawron, Vernol Battiste, Thomas Z. Strybel, and Kim-Phuong L. Vu.Examining the Effectiveness of a Traffic Flow Management Course for Air Traffic Control Students. Presented at the 11th Annual CSULB HFES Student Chapter Conference (2016).
Natassia Mattoon, Armando Alvarez, Aaron Manabat, Thomas Z. Strybel, and Kim-Phuong L. Vu. Ranking of Critical Information for Student Air Traffic Management. Presented at the 11th Annual CSULB HFES Student Chapter Conference (2016).
Armando Alvarez, Vanui Barakezyan, Edward Barraza, Christopher Nguyen, James Park, Andriana Tesoro, Yuri Trujillo, Thomas Z. Strybel, and Kim-Phuong L. Vu. Reduced Crew Operations Research. Presented at the 11th Annual CSULB HFES Student Chapter Conference (2016)