Stephanie Smith '69

I had the privilege of attending California State University Long Beach for my graduate studies. It was an amazing experience, in a school of 30,000 students, the department I was in really took care of me. They made me feel intelligent and capable, and if I ever had writer's block, they would coach me through it. What was really special was that there were lots of women in the department, which was not always the case in English departments. I had so many great teachers who showed me individual concern and recognition of my abilities. I was surrounded by intelligent and accomplished women who inspired me to find the best in myself. I was especially lucky to have mentors who really took an interest in me: Dr. Louise Lubbe, Dr. Eileen Lathamer, Mary Jo Purcell, and Helen Gilde. They all had a powerful influence on me, and I'm so grateful for the example they set. I've tried to pay it forward in my career by really affirming what I see in my students. It was an honor to be able to do that, and I will always cherish the time I spent at California State University Long Beach.