Louis Williams '09

My experience at Cal State Long Beach was extremely impactful on my career journey. One of the most notable moments during my time there was when I was chosen to be a part of the homecoming court. At first, I wasn't sure what that entailed, but I submitted an application anyway and was invited to interview with a panel of four individuals. To my surprise, I was selected to be on the homecoming court and was even required to give a speech. Although I was nervous, I delivered my speech and received positive feedback from the audience. Following the speech, several individuals approached me to express their support and say that they had voted for me. When the winner was announced, I was astonished to hear my name called out. This experience taught me to take risks and pursue opportunities without fear. Moreover, my time at Cal State Long Beach equipped me with valuable skills that have aided me in my career. As a student worker on campus, I learned the importance of punctuality, productivity, and being an asset to my team. These traits were instrumental in securing my first job after graduation. When I pursued my graduate degree, I received encouragement from an alumnus of the same program at Cal State Long Beach to apply for counseling professor positions. Thanks to the outstanding reference I received from Cal State Long Beach, I was able to secure the job. However, the most significant takeaway from my time at Cal State Long Beach is the relationships I formed. I have lifelong friends and family members who continue to support me in various aspects of my life, including academics and career. I am incredibly grateful for these connections and cherish them dearly.