Joshua Simonds '00

I am immensely grateful for my time at California State University, Long Beach, as it provided me with numerous opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. One standout experience was the year I spent living in London as part of the study abroad program, which broadened my horizons in ways I could never have imagined. One person who played a pivotal role in shaping my life during my time at CSULB is Dr. Michael Carney, my percussion professor. His influence has left an enduring impact on countless students, me included. His guidance and mentorship set me on the trajectory I find myself on today which I will forever be grateful for. Beyond the music department, I also benefited greatly from many outstanding general education classes. One class which stood out for me was a public speaking course. These experiences enhanced my understanding of various subjects and equipped me with valuable skills in controlling a room and honing my public speaking abilities. Although I do not know the name of this teacher, his class made a difference to me. Reflecting on my time at Long Beach, I can confidently say that the university has played a significant role in shaping the person I am today. I consider myself fortunate to be pursuing exactly what I am passionate about, and I credit much of my success and fulfillment to the foundation laid during my years at CSULB. Go Beach!