The Beach Pluralism Project Invites You to Apply for a $5K Conoley Fellowship

Dear Students,

We are excited to announce the creation of the President’s Pluralism Fellowship Program, a program that will train a select cohort of students in the theory and practice of pluralism, with a stipend of $5000 to be paid as Instructional Student Assistants (ISAs). We welcome all undergraduate applicants.

Do you want to help create a more inclusive, compassionate, and socially equitable society–a society that values a diversity of voices? Do you want to learn how to proactively and positively engage with people who have different identities and opposing views? Do you want to gain skills in conflict resolution, fostering belonging, interfaith competency, and peacemaking? Pluralism offers “an ethic for living together in a diverse society” ( Pluralism creates pathways to value religious, ethnic, and cultural diversity, and to navigate interfaith and cross-community relationships.

As a Conoley Fellow, you will gain:

  • A deeper understanding of pluralism and the skills to promote it effectively.
  • Invaluable leadership, conflict resolution, communication and negotiating skills that are urgently needed in professional contexts.
  • Skills to counteract social divisiveness and polarization.
  • The tools to generate a lasting positive impact on communities and on our greater social landscape.

This program will consist of a two-course sequence. The first will be a course in fall 2024 which exposes students to various approaches to pluralism, theories and practices, and equips students to apply those principles. The second course in spring 2024 requires students to implement the concepts gained the previous semester, to gain hands-on experience in pluralism through engagement with community leaders, and to create a final project to be highlighted in an end-of-the-year event. Students must also attend extracurricular activities, such as monthly fellowship dinners or speaker events, in order to receive their full stipend. Stipends will be disbursed to a maximum of $2500 per semester.

Diana Eck has referred to pluralism as “the energetic engagement with diversity” (Eck 2023). We are envisioning a broad definition of pluralism which supports constructive interaction among diverse religious, ethnic, and cultural identities. For this inaugural year, there will be one small cohort of 15 to 20 students, to foster conversation, connection, and belonging.

How to Apply: In order to be a part of this program, you can apply by submitting the application form, an unofficial copy of your transcripts, optional resume, and a short statement (300-500 words) describing your own experience with pluralism or where you envision pluralism could be cultivated in any community or group to which you belong. Applications are due on Wednesday, July 31, 2024. Email all documents to and

Successful applicants will be notified by August 6, 2024. For an application, contact either Dr. Pandya or Dr. Chew. We will hold an informational session on Wednesday, July 24, from 12-1 pm on Zoom. Please apply to the program! You can address any questions to Dr. Pandya or Dr. Chew, emails above. We look forward to welcoming the inaugural Beach Pluralism Program Fellows!

Download the application (Word):